1 Kings 13
1 Kings,  2014 Bible Reading

1 Kings 13


Bible Passage: 1 Kings 13

Judged, warned and unrepentant, Jeroboam was only concerned about his withered hand (1 Kings 13:6) instead of seeking forgiveness from God when the prophet of Judah cried out and spoke to him.

Enticed, bribed yet fervent, the prophet of Judah rejected the king’s offer and was very clear about his mission from God (1Kings 13:8-9).

Rebuked, relentless and reluctant to repent, Jeroboam was still inclined towards sin by leading the people in worshipping idols and committing evil without any regard for God.

One important teaching from this incident is that those who disobey the commandments of God will surely meet with calamities, and the prophecy against Jeroboam (1 Kings 13:2) came to pass (2 Kings 23:15-16).

Bravely, courageously and successfully, the prophet of Judah had testified to King Jeroboam—the things which he had personally heard from God, yet he neglected the warning of God (1 Kings 13:9).

Our prophet of Judah slacked off as he sat under an oak tree, then he so easily listened to the old prophet, and followed him back for food and drink.

Ambiguously, deceptively and cunningly, the old prophet changed the word of God, therefore the prophet of Judah gave in because of lust of flesh and lack of spiritual wisdom.

Message from this chapter: repent when we still can; resolve to obey the word of God; be sober; be vigilant.

Dear Reader,


I thought you might be interested in a little background information about King Jeroboam, the first king of Israel and the most wicked too.

  1. Jeroboam came from a lowly background, a son of a widow of the tribe of Ephraim (1 Kings 11:26).
  2. He was chosen because of God’s grace but he was also industrious, a capable man whom Solomon used once, and the ten tribes loved him (1 Kings 11:29-38).
  3. His wrongs: he did not trust in God; he made the golden calves; he anointed ordinary people as priests; and he appointed his own days of feast.
  4. He was punished but did not repent (1 Kings 13:1-32).
  5. The punishments were meted out to him (1 Kings 14:1-20).

You see, God had given Jeroboam so much grace, yet Jeroboam chose to walk in his own ways instead of heeding the warnings. Let’s incline our ears to heed the warnings, to come before Him with a contrite heart, and to be resolved to repay His grace.




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