• Nehemiah

    Nehemiah 11-13

    Bible Passage:  Nehemiah 11-13 True Jesus Church Christians are what most would describe as ‘peace-loving’. We shy away from conflict. We would prefer to keep silent as opposed to involving ourselves in confrontational situations. Consequently, when pertinent…

  • Uncategorized

    Joshua 15

    Bible Passage: Joshua 15   What should one be expected to do in pursuit of a life partner? With regard to the art of wooing, movies often portray scenes with gratuitous displays of emotion and wild romance.…

  • 2014 Bible Reading,  Joshua

    Joshua 1

    Bible Passage: Joshua 1 Upon the death of one of mankind’s greatest leaders, the responsibilty of leading the Israelite nation was entrusted to Joshua. It is worth noting that Joshua was elected as Moses’ successor before the…

  • 2014 Bible Reading,  Proverbs

    Proverbs 13

    Bible Passage:  Proverbs 13 Throughout the chapters of Proverbs, a number of key teachings are repeated and re-emphasised. Such teachings include diligent pursuance of wisdom, guarding one’s mouth and striving to remain righteous. Chapter 13 begins with…