2014 Bible Reading

  • Joshua

    Joshua 22

      Bible Passage: Joshua 22 This particular book of Joshua is relatively long and can be divided into many different sections, but allow me to focus only on several teachings this book has to offer. “But take…

  • Joshua 21

    Joshua 21

    Bible Passage:  Joshua 21 This chapter talks about the allocation of the Promised Land to the Levites and the priests. There are many cities allocated to them but since this is a blog, I will not go…

  • Joshua 20

    Joshua 20

    Bible Passage:  Joshua 20 In today’s reading, God commands Joshua to execute His original orders to Moses to set up the cities of refuge. These cities are for a person, who killed another accidentally or unintentionally, to…

  • Joshua

    Joshua 17

    Bible Passage:  Joshua 17 In this chapter, the people of Joshua formed two tribes — the Ephraimites and Manassites. They were complaining to Joshua about the constraints they were facing in the land allotted to them (Joshua 17:14). Joshua,…

  • Joshua_14

    Joshua 14

    “Justice” and “equality” are often trumpeted in today’s world as reasons for activism and rebellion. Other words such as “equity” and “social justice” are used as bases for policies in education, law and politics. A Christian who…

  • Joshua

    Joshua 13

    Bible Passage: Joshua 13 The beginning of this chapter details the dividing of the land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel. The names of the tribes and land sounds complicated and one can’t help but pass…

  • Joshua 12

    Joshua 12

    Today’s reading chapter is rather short; but it recorded a whole list of the kings defeated by Moses and Joshua, the servants of God. But is it necessary for the Bible to record such details? Let me…