
Ezekiel Chapter 6

Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations where they are carried captive, because I was crushed by their adulterous heart which has departed from Me, and by their eyes which play the harlot after their idols; they will loathe themselves for the evils which they committed in all their abominations.
~ Ezekiel 6:9 ~

In the midst of this chapter where God speaks about the judgments against Israel for their idolatry, especially in the high places (mountains etc) was this verse. God promised that a remnant will remain and return to God through true repentance and change.

But what made me stopped was this phrase which I never noticed before…

“… I was crushed by their ….”

God was crushed because of the adulterouns heart of the Israelites.

In the Bible, we often read about how the hearts of men were crushed through calamity, destruction and enemies around them. And when they were without hope and spirits were crushed, how God stepped in and restored them.

But here we read that the heart of God was crushed… literally broken by His people’s rejection of His love.

Most of us would have experienced the pain and crushing blow of being rejected by someone whom we love dearly. And what that happens, many of us would have tried and gone through great lengths of try and patch up the broken relationships and restore it.

God’s heart for His people is so evident here. Despite all His people’s failures and faithlessness, God still has His heart out for them. And that is why, He ultimately sent His only Son to come into the world and die, so that through His sacrifice, we can be brought back to Him again.

Just consider this for today.

Do we break God’s heart with what we do and how we behave? Just as we do not want to crush the hearts of those who love us, let us not crush the heart of our loving God through our faithlessness.

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