
Ezekiel Chapter 1 – The Four Living Creatures

The book of Ezekiel begins with a vision of four living creatures, which also appears in John’s vision in Revelations 4:6-8. The four living creatures possess three qualities that we as believers should emulate in our life.  

Number 1: “They did not turn when they went, but each one went straight forward.” (verse 9)

This sentence is repeated many times in this chapter (verses 12, 17, 20, 21). Verse 12 particularly mentions that the creatures “went wherever the spirit wanted to go.” 

A point of self-reflection: In following God, how resolute and faithfully do we stick to His path as outlined in the Bible? Do we go wherever His Spirit leads us? Or are we prone to turning left or right because of various distractions in our life, such as cares or carousing?  

Number 2: “The noise of their wings was like the voice of the Almighty.” (verse 24)

While we as individuals and collectively as a church are “in motion” on this earth, can people detect God in our lives? If our life plays out like a film for the world, can they hear the voice of God loud and clear, calling them to Himself? Or will they only hear man-made sentiments and ideologies which cannot lead them to eternity? Is our life full of God’s glory, or ourselves? 

Number 3: “Above their heads was the throne of God.” (verses 26-28)

The parallel recording of this vision in Revelations 4 further describes what the four living creatures were doing before the throne of God: they were praising God without rest day or night, saying “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” (Revelations 4:8) Essentially, the four living creatures were ceaselessly reminding themselves of God’s holiness and, consequently, their need to be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Furthermore, these creatures influenced others to also praise God and recognise Him as the sovereign Creator (Revelations 4:9-11). 

Like the four living creatures, do we ceaselessly honour God as our Lord, over our heart, body, and life? Do we seize every moment to glorify Him exuberantly, and strive to influence others around us to do the same? Or do we frequently “take breaks” from being His subjects by forgetting or ignoring Him from time to time?

When Ezekiel saw this vision…

He was a captive in a foreign land. The state of Israel, including his personal circumstances, was dismal, inglorious, and hopeless. Yet, God blessed him with such a profound uplifting vision, to remind Ezekiel that even in the direst situations, God can turn the lives of His people around. Although their captivity was His chastisement for their sins, their loving God shared in their afflictions (Isaiah 63:9) and had always wanted to revive His people, both physically and spiritually (Isaiah 57:15-18); and we see as history unfolded that God was true to His word, and still is. 

Perhaps today, we may find it hard to see the four living creatures embodied in us when we see our many sins and weaknesses. Yet, the transformation of our souls into His image is a promise of God that we must cling to and ceaselessly pursue (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). 

Like the four living creatures, may we radiate the fullness of God’s glory in our souls. Amen. 

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