• Matthew

    Matthew Chapter 13

    Seven parables recorded, all concerning the kingdom of God. Guilt, shame and fear gradually spread across and weigh on my chest as I make my way through this chapter. “Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” (Matthew 13: 13)  “Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13: 58) My perspective when reading these parables is from that which is in wonder of Jesus’ empathy for mankind. In His infinite wisdom, in contextually relatable terms, Jesus lovingly illustrates…

  • Matthew

    Matthew Chapter 6

    Lord Jesus teaches us righteousness in our relationship with other people. He teaches us to check our motives in three areas: generosity (Matthew 6:4), prayer (Matthew 6:6) and fasting (Matthew 6:18). Those acts should be God-centered and…

  • Matthew

    Matthew Chapter 5

    In Matthew 5, verses 13-16, Jesus presents two powerful metaphors to describe our influence and responsibility in the world: salt and light. Salt of the Earth The metaphor of salt is rich with cultural and historical significance.…

  • Matthew


    马太福音第四章1-11节记载了耶稣被圣灵催到旷野,在那里耶稣禁食了四十昼夜后,受到撒旦对耶稣三方面的试探。再看希伯来书4:15告诉我们耶稣曾凡事受过试探。然而,别于所有的世人,他没有犯罪。有人说耶稣所受的这三个试探,分别与三种属世的弱点吻合,也就是在约翰一书2:16中提到的:肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,和今生的骄傲。这三样包含了世界上能诱惑人的事物。 虽然耶稣与我们一样带着肉身,这段记载就是要我们效法耶稣的榜样。从耶稣如何胜过魔鬼的试探,我们要相信只要牢牢将神的话语记住,并实行在我们的生命里,神的话能产生超越我们肉体的软弱,超越个人意志的力量。此外,我们更是蒙福的,因为神已将祂宝贵的圣灵赐给我们,住在我们里面加添我们的力量,所以胜过各种试探并不是不可企及的。 接下来12节一下记载了耶稣往加利利传道,并呼召做渔夫的西门,安得烈,雅各与约翰做他的们徒。这段在马太福音的记载说他们立刻舍了网,别了父亲,跟从了耶稣(20,22节)。在对观福音路加福音5:1-11记载,其实西门之前听了耶稣教训众人的话,之后他又顺从了耶稣的吩咐,在徒劳整夜打鱼之后,把船开到水深之处,下网打鱼,之后就满载而归。从这里,我们看到这几位首先被招的门徒并不是盲从主耶稣。他们首先听了耶稣所传的生命之道,心里已生发信心。接下来又亲身体验到耶稣的大能,更加坚固了他们对耶稣的认识。这之后,当耶稣要他们来跟从他,要叫他们得人如得鱼时,他们已经心里火热,因此当下撇下一切跟从主。我们在信仰不该像耶稣时代一大堆随波逐流的从众,看别人跟随耶稣,就盲从的人。或者只是为了得到今生好处跟从耶稣说的人。让我们先将信心建立在主的道理上,然后体验神的恩典上。这种又根基得信心才会长久不动摇。