
Ezekiel Chapter 13 – False Prophets

In this section of Ezekiel (chapters 4 to 24), among the many judgements of God against Judah, one of them is directed at false prophets, as seen in this chapter. 

Perhaps right now we may not relate to being a false prophet who speaks blatant lies about God or misleads others into grave sins like idolatry. Still, as members of the True Jesus Church, we need to consider: how faithful am I when it comes to speaking God’s truth to others? Do my words truly lead others towards God and His truth of salvation? Or are there elements of falsehood and misdirection? 

With that being said: What are some characteristics of a false prophet? 

1) Self-directedness. Instead of speaking from God’s words, false prophets speak from the dictates of their own hearts (v1). Instead of following God’s lead, they follow their own spirit (v3).     

2) Untruthfulness. Not only do false prophets lie about God’s will by declaring their own will as God’s, but they also even expect God to fulfill their lies (v6)! For example, declaring peace to the people when God pronounces punishment for their sins (v10) – the equivalent of whitewashing a dangerously broken wall that is about to crumble and crush its inhabitants.   

3) Harmer of souls. Failing in their duty as a prophet to strengthen the people’s faith is already unacceptable (v5). What’s more, these false prophets actively harm the people’s souls (v18)! By disheartening the righteous and encouraging the wicked with their lies, they mislead both groups of people towards spiritual destruction (v22). And for what cost? “Handfuls of barley and pieces of bread” (v19) – in other words, their own physical benefits. People’s eternity, for their short-term wants.   

What will happen to false prophets? God says these individuals will be cut off from His salvation – no longer enrolled in the register of Israel but barred from entering the land of His inheritance (v9). As they perish, God will expose their lies (v13-14). Moreover, God will rescue the souls trapped by these false prophets (v20), so long as their hearts are not hardened to His truth.        

It is extremely dangerous if we ourselves are false prophets without our realising. How then can we ensure that we are true prophets approved by God? By filling ourselves with His words – listening, believing, and living it out – so that we can clearly discern truth from error (Eze 2:8 to 3:3, 10); and by resolutely holding fast to the truth, without compromise, even in the face of opposition (Eze 3:8-9).  

As members of the True Jesus Church, may we strive to purge all falsehood from our hearts and be completely led by God in whatever we do, especially in declaring the word of God to all nations. Amen.      

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