1 Samuel

1 Samuel Chapter 20

1. Jonathan and David’s friendship was in the LORD and was in accordance to what was right. (Verses 17 & 34)

Verse 17

Jonathan and David were of the same faith, believed in the same God, and loved each other very much. Something special about their friendship was that they set their friendship in the LORD, who is the right footing for a strong, lasting and true friendship.

Setting the right footing in a friendship is important and essential, and if what binds a friendship together is the unchanging God, the friendship will be able to last. While people change, if both people hold onto God, their friendship can stay intact. Jonathan and David were also a good influence to each other.

This is not to say that we cannot have outside friends or that all our church friends are a good influence. We have to be careful of the type of friendships we form and know that our church friends may not always do what is right even though they are from church. We should hold onto God and have church friends who do the same.

Verse 34

Jonathan and David also stood up for what was right. Even though Saul, who was Jonathan’s father, wanted to kill David, that did not stop Jonathan from doing what was right, which in this case was to side with and save his friend, David. Jonathan was faithful to help David even in times of difficulty.

“A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.”
~ Proverbs 17:17 ~

Jonathan and David were friends, and they were so close that they were like brothers too. Jonathan was a true friend to David, loved at all times, and even truly felt anger and grief for how Saul treated David. Jonathan’s loyalty to his and David’s friendship was founded on what was right.

Although blood is thicker than water, Jonathan showed that when our own blood poses a great threat to our friend’s life, it is right to protect our friend’s life. The way Jonathan treated David showed that he was a genuine friend to David.

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”
~ Romans 12:15 ~

While we try to make true and lasting friendships in the Lord, let us too be a true friend to those around us and remember that our moral standard should be based on God’s.

2. The importance of faithfulness and trust in friendships. (Verse 39)

Jonathan and David made a plan together to help save David’s life. Jonathan stayed faithful to follow through with their plan and kept it between themselves, not letting even the lad know about the plan (Verse 39). Jonathan truly cared for David and there was so much trust between them that David would trust his life in Jonathan’s hands.

Jonathan would not even tell the lad about their plan. If he did, he could have possibly placed David’s life in danger, since the plan would not just be between the two of them any more.

We learn to be faithful and trustworthy as we make friends, and it is important to maintain the trust in our friendships.

3. Forming eternal friendships. (Verse 23, Verses 41-42)

Verse 23

Jonathan and David vowed to each other (Verses 17-23). They made an agreement to have the LORD be between them, between their descendants, forever. Their friendship was sadly interrupted by Saul.

However, even though they had to part ways, their true friendship was something admirable and is valuable for our learning. They wanted to keep the friendship for eternity. Do we form friendships that last for eternity? Do we form friendships and bring those friendships to eternity?

We can do so by making church friends, as well as bringing our non-believing friends to church! How beautiful it is when we find the right friends, and have those friendships last forever!

Verses 41-42

Jonathan and David wept together. Even though Jonathan and David had to separate, and David had to run for his life, Jonathan left David with goodwill and words of comfort. Jonathan’s parting words to David were indeed comforting, but while we still have our spiritual companions with us, let us show our care for them!

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