2010 - What Is Christianity?,  Future Hope of Christians

1 Thessalonians 3

1 Thessalonians 3

Bible Passage:  1 Thessalonians 3

We have come to the time of year where we typically reflect on the year that is about to pass and start to think about what we want to achieve in the new year.

For some of us, it has been a much better year than the last.  For some, new trials appear and seemingly unsurmountable challenges remain ahead of us.  But whatever it is, we are thankful to the Lord for yet another year in His Grace and Mercy.

The members at Thessalonica were also not having the best of times.  Although they abounded in faith and love, their circumstances was not exactly a bed of roses.  Persecutions and trials remain… but so did their faith!  In fact, it even grew and gave Paul great encouragement.

One great factor behind their strong faith and ability to withstand all thoses distresses was, I believe, because of the intercessary prayers of Paul and company.  And this is something that I think we can learn and resolve to do more as we approach the new year.

Paul’s prayer in verses 9 to 13 offers us a model, suggesting at least four ways we can go about interceding for our fellow members here and around the world.

We have heard about the problems in mainland China.  We know of the confusion that certain teachings are creating for members in different parts of the world.  Closer to home, we have the problems with the usage of our worship facilities.  Some of our members have been stricken with long term, and for some, very painful illnesses.

Let’s see what are some of the points we can learn….


First, it was a prayer with thanksgiving.

For what thanks can we render to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sake before our God,  ~  1 Thess 3:9

There are many things that we can thankful for even in the midst of trials and sufferings.  At the very least (actually it is the very most), we should be thankful that we are in the true church that has the presence of God and His Truth.  And that Jesus has died for me and washed away all my sins.

Very often we focus on the suffering and the wrongs.  Instead, let us learn to pray with thanksgiving and look for the good things to thank Him for.

Love One Another

Second, it was a prayer for them to increase and abound in love to one another (1 Thess 3:12).  This is a great prayer resolution to have.  Do you pray often for those in need in the church?  Can you name the members on the prayer list right now?

There is a need to pray and allow our love to grow for one another and encourage one another in the Lord.  After all, we are a Church purchased by the Lord of Love.  And we love because He first loved us.  So should not this house of God be a place where “Love Grows Here”?

‘Love Grows Here’ was a song I think the choir recently sang.  Unfortunately I could not find a Youtube video of our choir singing but the lyrics do touch me a lot and just read the lyrics below and reflect on how we can truly become a church where the love of God grows and grows….

Take a look around you, tell me what you see;
People here to worship the Lord, just like you and me.
Some have come in gladness, some have come with fear;
But all come because they know that love grows here!

Yes, love grows here, and all of us can share

the wonder and joy that it can bring.
For God is near, teaching us to care,
And showing our hearts how to sing.

Some of us are lonely, some have many friends;
Some lives are just beginning, some are near the end.
Yet we come together knowing He is near,
Once again reminding us that love grows here.

Love to All

Thirdly, there is a prayer for them to increase and abound in love to all (1 Thess 3:12).

Who is all?

Since we have already talked about growing in love for our fellow brothers and sisters, this could refer to those currently outside the house of God.

We have been trying to encourage members to pray for evangelism in the last half year.  Every 4th Sabbath at 2 pm is a prayer session dedicated for evangelism.  And every Sabbath at 1.30 pm in the Students Room, there is a prayer group praying for Evangelism.

But we need more prayers.

And we must pray more.

For our loved ones.  For our friends.  For our neighbours.  For our colleagues.  For the familiar faces on the bus you take every day.  For the hawker that you buy your breakfast from every morning.  For …. the list just goes on and on and on….

All it takes for us to start is to extend our love outwards more and more. After all… it only takes a spark 🙂


Lastly is a prayer for holiness that we would be blameless before our God and Father when Jesus comes again (1 Thess 3:13).

We pray for many things in our lives.  But like many, the prayer for holiness is very often missing from our prayer list.  Ok… maybe not for you but it is definitely something that I would need to improve in the coming year.

We know all the verses about holiness and how without holiness we cannot see God.

But for Paul, it was a conscious effort to pray that the believers would be found blameless before God on the last day.

Let this item also be part of our prayer each day.

What do you think?

One Comment

  • PS

    When Lord Jesus comes again, His arrival is as swift as the lightning flashing across the sky from the east to the west. (Matthew 24:27) If we want to stand before Him blameless in holiness, we really must get ready at all times.

    A living relationship is an interactive 2-way relationship.

    Just like Paul & company and the Thessalonica brethren:
    – “you greatly desire to see us as we also to see you”
    – “we were comforted concerning you by your faith” and “night and day praying exceedingly that we may… perfect what is lacking in your faith”

    The three evils of the devil: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (1 John 2:16) can be combated by the work of faith, labour of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3).

    The love to one another and to all leads Lord Jesus to establish our hearts before God. (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 may…so that)

    Look out for another. Just as Lord Jesus is looking out for us.

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