2 Timothy,  2011 - Through The New Testament

2 Timothy 2

2 Timothy 2

Bible Passage:  2 Timothy 2

Did you realise we came across at least three times of a faithful saying in Paul’s first epistle to Timothy – ref I Tim 1:15, 3:1 and 4:8-9.

This is a Faithful Saying!

This was in no way a representation that the rest of the teaching in this Bible was being ‘not faithful’ or ‘not as faithful’. It was however, an expression to emphasise, enforce and highlight the importance of such sayings. It is vaguely similar to how many of us would earmark certain bible verses which are of particularly relevant to us and it does not mean that the rest of other verses bear no relevance or importance.

There are a few faithful sayings in this chapter (II Tim 2:11-13):

For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.

For if we endure, we shall also reign with Him.

If we deny Him, He also will deny us.

If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.

To live in the likeness of Christ

“For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.” (II Tim 2:11)

We have been united together in the likeness of His death and resurrection through baptism. The significance of His resurrection to our Christian life is such that we should walk as a new person because our old-self had been crucified (Romans 6:3-8). When we put on the likeness of Christ, we can truly experience a life where Christ abides in us (Gal 2:20).

What is the likeness of Christ? From the pettiest thought to making the biggest decision in our life, how do we live up to His likeness and expectations for us?

A new man should walk in the light, true righteousness and holiness, and bears the fruit of the Spirits (Eph 4:24, 5:8-9; Gal 5:22-25). Paul drew out the exhibits of certain earthly behavior and manifestations of a man who walks in the likeness of Christ (see Col 3:1-14).

Have we denied God?

“If we deny Him, He also will deny us.” (II Tim 2:12)

This faithful saying serves a stern reminder to all of us who lives in the end time. We may not have denied Him in a literal sense but did we deny God through our ways of life – where we live by the form of godliness but denying the purpose of godliness (II Tim 3:5)?

In accounting, there is a commonly used term called ‘Substance Over Form’. It is a principle aimed to ensure that the financial book provides an accurate, complete and relevant picture of the transactions. In layman’s terms – if a company were to apply ‘Substance Over Form’ concept in the disclosure of their financial information, the book records reflect the financial / economic reality of the company (i.e. substance) rather than the legal form of the transactions / underlying events (i.e. form).

We may be living the form of godliness, through worshipping God (e.g. attending services, singing hymns and praying), serving God (through our roles in church work) and preaching the words – but in a world that is blind to God’s love and grace, have we lived out the substance of godliness that shines through the darkness? That others may see God’s love and grace through us?

The key checking point is – do others see Jesus in us?

God is Faithful!

“If we are faithless, He remains faithful… (II Tim 2: 13)

This is one of the most comforting and assuring promises of God. It forms the basis of my faith, and it is the reason that I’m holding true to what I believe in.

We live in a world where faithful and true friends are hard to come by. In fact, it is been too common to read and hear about how the loved ones were betrayed through unfaithful events. Being faithful may mean differently to different people, for e.g. we may consider white lies as permissible / truthful as long as the feeling of the other party was protected. We live in a very subjective world.

Fear not, for one thing is absolutely certain – that God is Faithful! God is true, constant and will always keep His promises, because He is a Faithful God.

I pray that we have the faith in our Faithful God; and live a faithful life through our faith in Him.

May you have a blessed week ahead.

One Comment

  • PS

    When Paul was writing 2 Timothy, there were people who had deviated from the truth and preached that the resurrection was already past. This sounded absurd bec many who witnessed the resurrected Christ should still be alive and kicking. Yet there were willing followers (2 Tim 2:18).

    Paul wanted Timothy to remind his fellow brethren these things:
    i) if we died with Christ, we shall also live with Him,
    ii) if we endure, we shall reign with Him,
    iii) if we deny Him, He also will deny us,
    iv) if we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.

    What do i) to iv) mean to a young believer?
    – i) if Jesus has not resurrected and still dead, then we are still dead too (Rom 6:3-4)

    – ii) if we hold fast to the truth and cleanse ourselves for good work, we shall stand before Him when He comes again (2 Tim 2:19, 22)

    – iii) He is sitting on the right hand of God now, He knows who denies Him (2 Tim 2:19),

    – iv) Lord Jesus is the Word who became flesh. We can lose ourselves in the world. Lord Jesus will never lose the truth bec He is the truth.

    Lord Jesus comes to give us salvation with eternal glory.

    Consider what Paul said, and may the Lord give us understanding in all things (2 Tim 2:7).

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