2012 - A Month With...,  The Oral Prophets

Elijah Challenges Israel and the Priests of Baal

Elijah Challenges Israel and Prophets of Baal

Bible Passage:  1 Kings 18:20-29, 40

Indecision – something we all have experienced some time or another in our lives.
In certain situations, indecision doesn’t really make much of a difference. It may even be good in the sense that it makes us rethink our priorities, values and choices.
In other situations however, indecision can cost lives, particularly ours. For this reason, when we have to make a decision that concerns our life and death, we need to consider circumspectly, observe cautiously and make a decision that will ensure our survival. Moreover, once we have made this decision, we need to stick by it and not waver from it or it will be as good as not having made this decision in the first place.
This was the main message that Elijah declared to the Israelites during the time of King Ahab when he challenged Baal and it is also an important message for us today.
For us today, the challenge we face is not that of making the decision for most if not all of us have made our choice by virtue of us remaining in the church. The challenge is to live our lives and make all our other decisions in accordance to this big decision that we have made. From what we think to what we do; our choices of entertainment to our career paths, do they show that we have truly made this decision?
Interestingly, Elijah berates both the people of Israel and Ahab for their acquiescence in Baal worship with “How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal then follow him” (1 Kings 18:21). The Hebrew for this word, “go limping” or “waver”, is the same as that used for “danced” in verse 26, where the prophets of Baal frantically dance.
Similarly for us, it would be ironical for us to make our decision to follow God yet display such ambivalence in our lives and conduct that we may ultimately be engaging in a wild and futile “dance” like the prophets of Baal.
Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, make your decision today; make it wisely and live it fully.

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