2010 - What Is Christianity?,  Family of Chosen Race

Exodus 21

Bible Passage: Exodus 21

Climbing this forty metre walkway is nothing compared to the journey to Mount Sinai. It only seemed like yesterday we received the Ten Commandments from God. Now we are given the law to follow and I can’t even remember all of them…that’s referring to the ones mentioned in Exodus 21.

However this is what the Lord commands:

“Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and judgements which I teach you to observe, that you may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers is giving you.”

Deuteronomy 4:1

If we listen, we can hear God commanding obedience from us lest we are forbidden to enter the land of our inheritance, the kingdom of heaven.

Laws concerning servants (21:1-11)

Serving six years, everything belonging to the master, pleasing the master, and his or her rights, the laws governing the life of servant seems so harsh. However, the one thing in this passage that is really beautiful is when a servant would plainly say, “I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free.” And then his master shall pierce his ear with an awl and he shall serve him forever.

That servant should be you and me. If we love our Master and we love others, we would serve them. Our life is not our own but it belongs to God and a piercing marks the words of a servant, but what marks our words to serve the Lord forever?

Laws of violence and punishment by death (21:12-25)

Strike a man to death, kill a neighbour by treachery, strike his mother or father, kidnap a man, or beat a servant to death then, he shall be put to death. Other laws impose punishments accordingly-“life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Cruel and harsh again it seems. Why would such laws be followed?

The teaching for us to learn is that, whatever we have done deserving of punishment, so it shall be done. This is our righteousness accountable to God for He is a righteous and just God. Breaking the Ten Commandments or not practicing the greatest commandment, you know yourself and I know myself, and He knows what we have done too.

Laws of repayment for masters of animals (21:26-36)

An ox goring a man or woman to death, an ox killing a man or woman, an ox hurting another ox so that it dies, an ox falling into a pit to its death, and the repaying of debts for this and that-you really have to be there and practice the law to remember them all. What is the point of an ox and the law?

The significance of it all is the nature of an ox; it is not meant to gore or hurt but rather serve and sacrifice. One of Jesus’ divine nature described in the book of Ezekiel is liken to an ox. He lived a life of obedience, humility and suffering, submissive to the will of God to the end, a perfect servant who is exemplary for us to model and follow.



Jesus has already fulfilled the law.

When He came and died,

He said, “It is finished.”

He did not destroy the law (Mt 5:17).

Thus we are not bound by the law,

we observe it in spirit instead.

  1. Serve our brothers and sisters
  2. Offer all that we have
  3. Save souls
  4. Offer intercessory prayers for one another.

Can you share with others your ways to serve by love and not law?


  • biblereadingcompanion

    appleofHiseye asked “Can you share with others your ways to serve by love and not law?”

    It is a very difficult question to answer or share because if I am being honest to myself and to God, I wonder how much of my service is driven by pure love and not pride, a showing off of oneself, or a desire to use my authority.

    Although I strive to serve with all humility and sincerity, it takes a constant battle to check myself and make sure I am doing it for the right and pure reasons.

    We may not serve by law today but do we misuse our ‘leadership’ position to ‘serve’ today by merely delegating and not really serving? Do we use our leadership position to get things done by others?

    Please do not get me wrong. When I say ‘leadership’, I am not refering to the leaders in the church but all of us. Because in one way or another, we are leaders. In some ways, we are the experts of the ‘law’ or whatever domain we are in charge of.

    Like in a family, the father is the head (leader) of the family. Amongst siblings, the eldest assumes the leadership role. Even in a classroom, someone is the class representative or monitor. It reminds me when I was young, being the eldest, I would like to order my two sisters around to do things for me (but I must have been a lousy ‘leader’ cause my orders were never followed (: ).

    That is why instead of sharing my ways to serve by love and not law, I choose to remind myself of the example of Moses… how he never misused his authority as the leader of the people and instead served the people with true love – even willing to exchange his eternal life for the sake of these stiff-necked people.

    But the greatest example remains Jesus whose life is the most graphic reminder that we are to serve in love and not law.

    Let’s see what Jesus said in Matt 23:11-12…

    “But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

    He also said is Matt 20:28…

    “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

    Those who desire to be the greatest should be prepared to be a servant of all. And if the greatest among us becomes a servant, what do you think will happen to the rest? They will emulate the good example of the servant and be a servant too.

    Jesus in John 14:12-14 shows us that if we follow His example, great things will happen….

    ““Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”

    Lord… as I continue working in Your House today, please remind me that I am to serve with the love you showed us all those years ago and am still showing us today. And let that love the sole motivation of our service to You.

  • PS

    Ex 21:4 “If his master had given him a wife, and she has borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s and he shall go out by himself.”

    The servant could forfeit his right to leave and serve his master forever if he loved his master, his wife and his children (Ex 21:5).

    Will a responsible husband/father leave his wife/children and go out by himself? It seems that the servant was not given a real choice at all unless he gave up his wife and children.

    The servant’s right to choose is given at the time when his master offered to give him a wife, not at the seventh year (Ex 21:2).

    If he decided to accept a wife from his master, he ought to be prepared to serve his master for life, wasn’t it? Unless he had intention to walk out on his wife and children.

    The church belongs to Lord Jesus (Eph 5:25-27). Am i conscientious of the decisions that i make? Is there any that may lead me to walk out on Him and His church?

    Think twice now and not live to regret later and lament that “sorry, i have no choice”.

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