
Gospel – Acts 5-6

Bible Passage:  Acts 5 to 6

In the past few chapters we see the mighty working power of the Holy Spirit.  We see the Holy Spirit working mightily in the apostles and transforming them into vessels of courage and of power in the testimony of Christ.  We see thousands of people being moved into repentance, knowing their error in crucifying Jesus and that baptism in the name of Jesus will forgive the sins of people.

Now we come to Chapters 5 and 6.

This two chapters differ from the prior chapters.  Firstly in Chapter 5, we see the immediate judgement of God on Ananias and Sapphira.  Both of them perished from lying to the Holy Spirit.

This punishment was so evident and shocking, that Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.” From earlier passages we know that the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and shared their possessions with one another such that none of them lacked in anything. It was a good thing, something that can only be done through love.  However, from this incident, it brings me a stark reminder that God is not only love, but this God Jesus is the same God as in the Old Testament, a righteous God and also a God of judgment.

Also, when we read 1 Corinthians, there were incidents during the partaking of Holy Communion that God exacted judgement on those who did not revere the sacrament.

Perhaps today, many Christians only emphasize the ‘love’ part of God. That God is love ONLY, and He is not a God of judgment neither is He a God who is particular with righteousness.  I remember Pr. Chin AQ’s sermon on the Complete Truth, where we ought to know and believe that God is what He is.   A God that is loving, merciful, righteous and a judge for our sins.

I once discussed with my colleagues on the reasons why they believe in their church and why do they go to their church.

Unfortunately, it is rather common that other christians attend their current churches because it fits their lifestyle the best.  Meaning, that church maybe very ‘slack’ in terms of conduct and allow drinking, smoking, partying, extra marital affairs, gambling etc.  To these colleagues such churches are true and they feel and comfort themselves that God is ‘so loving’ like in the New Testament. God is not that ‘fierce and strict’ God as seen in the Old Testament. To them, anything that prevents them from doing what is right is due to the devil hindering them and not because of their lack of spiritual cultivation!

Which is incorrect as in Chapter 5 God can give immediate judgement even in the period of Grace. Today we do not see such immediate punishment from God that often is solely because of God’s mercy on us.  Imagine if God were to punish us immediately for our sins, and we do probably sin in terms of lying at times whether deliberately or accidentally!

In the following verses of Chapter 5, the apostles this time round were thrown into prison.

The persecution first began verbally in the preceding chapters, and now it has been up a notch by throwing the leaders of Christianity into prison.

However, it was the will of the Holy Spirit that Peter and the apostles were to continue to preach the gospel to the believers of God at the temple court. With the help of an angel, they managed to get out of the prison and to the amazement of the prison guards and the jealous priests, they fulfilled the will of God in preaching.

I always marvel at the apostles tenacity in preaching the gospel despite death threats and obstacles they faced.  They even felt it glorious to suffer for Christ.  How many of us actually do suffer physical abuse when we preached?  I would think it would have not been possible to preach so boldly the gospel if not for the Holy Spirit filing them and guiding them in this work.

When I was in Israel for company meetings, I tried in several occasions to preach the gospel.

I remembered how the gospel was preached to Sabah and that is through the church tracts. Today we find many believers of TJC in Sabah. Not having the courage of the apostles, I did try to leave some church tracts in the taxis that I took to meetings, in a hope that someone will get a chance to read the church tracts and attempted to strike conversations regarding their belief and God.

Unfortunately, I think there was yet any results. I do pray that God give me the wisdom and courage to preach to the Jews as it is the will of God that they be saved.

Reading the Book of Acts does give me this perspective of the hardships faced by the apostles in preaching to their people and the gentiles. I can only hope that one day I do have that kind of courage like Peter and Paul and the rest of the Christians in that era to preach from the Scriptures with courage and truth.


  • PS

    It was recorded in Acts 5:12 and Acts 5:14 that ” And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people..” and “And believers were increasingly added to the LORD, multitudes of both men and women.”

    Acts 6:7 even recorded “Then the word of God spread and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.”

    What is the status of the faith in Jerusalem now? Was Gamaliel right that “for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing.”?

    The words of the angel who spoke to the disciples is still speaking to us today:
    “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life” (Acts 5:20)

    The words of Peter are true for u n i even till today:
    “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by hanging on a tree. Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him.” (Acts 5:30-32)

    i ought to obey God rather than men, esp my “heart” who keeps telling me that it is hard to preach to my yet-to-believe family members.

    Gamaliel was right when he said,”… if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it – lest you even be found to fight against God.”

  • Biblereader

    Yup it turned out that what Gamaliel said was right… wonder if he believed in Jesus after seeing that this group of followers were die hard and that the will of God was fulfilled.

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