
Poetry – Job 19-20

How do you feel when you read Job? What do you make of the words of Job and his friends?

In the past, whenever I read the book Job, it was more of a cursory read.  I decided that Job was too much of a mystery and the ‘toing’ and ‘froing’ of the conversations between Job and his friends was simply a bridge between the 1st part of Job where the devil demanded that Job be tested to see if he would really still fear and trust God when all that he has is taken away to the last part where Job finally really sees God.

But now in reading Job again, my feelings have changed.  I can’t really explain it but I wonder if it has been different for you too?

Bible Passage:  Job 19-20

I know that some of us are still getting used to the genre reading Bible schedule where each portions of each book or genre is read every week instead of over consecutive days.

But for me, it works well for the book of Job.

For the last few weeks of reading of Job, we have been reminded of the sufferings of Job and how his friends tried to ‘correct’ his ways.

Today’s passage is not much different.  In Chapter 19, Job feels tormented by his friends and felt completely forsaken.  And Zophar turned the screws on him in Chapter 20 by accusing him to be a hypocrite and wicked.

In reading, it is very much like reading the newspapers with the tsunami of bad news that buffets us every week.

Economy will slow down by 10% this year.

90,000 jobs to be lost.

Another terror attack.

Exports dipped the highests it has for many years.

“Boom!  Boom!  Boom!”

The waves of attack comes over and over again.  Sometimes one stronger than the last.

You feel pretty much like Job, don’t you?

But… (there is always a but)

Job 19:25-27

“For I know that my Redeemer lives,
And He shall stand at last on the earth;
And after mu skin destroyed, this I know,
That in my flesh I shall see God,
Whom I shall see for myself,
And my eyes shall behold, an not another.
How my heart yearns within me!”

Do we share the same hope as Job?  Do we believe in it as Job?

All these we are facing now cannot compare to the day when we shall see God.

For I know that my Redeemer lives.  I am sure of it.  Are you?

I love this song by Nicole Mullen – “My Redeemer Lives”.  I think she really captures the heart of Job when he said these words.  And I found a very moving video on Youtube that uses this song together with a clip of the relationship between a father and his son – very much like the relationship between the Heavenly Father with us…. very touching.

One Comment

  • PS

    The is a slight difference in the English & Chinese bible again:
    26 And after my skin is destroyed, this i know, that in my flesh i shall see God,
    27 Whom i shall see for myself. And my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!

    Chinese: Job19:26-27
    26 And after my skin & flesh r destroyed, I shall see God beyond my fleshly body.
    27 I myself shall see Him, see Him by my own eyes, not as a stranger. My heart and organs dissolved within me!

    i like both. The chinese version emphasizes the “spirit” and the English version is more subtle. “in my flesh i shall see God”. isn’t my skin destroyed, where to find flesh? Yes, after our earthly body is destroyed, we shall see God in the flesh, ie in person, in our true form whom like God is Spirit.

    When i meet God, i shall see Him with my own eyes, not as a stranger but as a child seeing my Father, my heavenly Father. My focus is on Him only, not another person.

    Oh how my heart and organ melted within me bec of the intensity of my yearning to see God.

    Yes, there is God and there is judgment. May each beware of our conduct.

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