2013 - A Month With...,  Books of Wisdom (6)

Psalm 101


I used to think that when a person mentioned *topic* 101, it meant he was talking about a hundred and one things concerning that topic. (Silly of me right?) It was only in uni that I realised *topic* 101 meant the basics concerning that topic. And as any teacher or lecturer will tell you, revising the basics from time to time is not just useful but vital to our continual growth. So, as we read Psalm 101 today, let’s see what lessons it has for us for us in LIFE 101.

Bible Passage:  Psalm 101

I will sing of mercy and justice;

To You, O Lord, I will sing praises.

Lesson 1:

Remember your source, your Creator, your God.

We meet many people, encounter much and gain many things in our lives. They may shape us or change us; give us certain characteristics or skills. But let us remember, our very lives are given to us by God and He is the one we have to meet and give an accounting to in the end. So, it would be advisable to lead our lives with Him in the very forefront of our minds hmm?

I will behave wisely in a perfect way.

Oh, when will You come to me?

I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

Lesson 2:

If you want God to walk with you, walk His way.

Here is also a good reminder to all of us as we go about our very interesting and busy lives. Do we often wish for God to walk with us? Maybe we ought to think about the path we are treading on then. Is it where He wishes us to tread on or are we straying on paths leading away from Him? Not very fair to do what He says not to yet expect Him to bless us right?

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;

I hate the work of those who fall away;

It shall not cling to me.

Lesson 3:

Be careful what you see, you may become it.

Our eyes are admittedly very good channels for us to gain information. For the same reason, they are also a very easy way for us to fall into sin. The lust of the eyes being one of the major reasons for the downfall of man is proof of this. Need I say more about this?

A perverse heart shall depart from me;

I will not know wickedness.

Lesson 4:

Stay clean – without and within.

Proverbs 4:23 was one of the first verses we were taught to memorise as RE students and a very apt one too. Jesus also says it’s what comes OUT of a man that defiles him. And we all know our hearts and minds are the source of our thoughts, speech, beliefs and actions so let’s make sure our hearts and the ‘hearts’ (and minds) that surround us are well guarded by His Word.

Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor,

Him I will destroy;

The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart,

Him I will not endure.

Lesson 5:

Stand up for what is right.

Sometimes, doing what is right is not just within ourselves. Of course, we start with ourselves but sometimes, we have to speak out and stand up for what is right as well. Just because we’re not the ones doing something wrong doesn’t mean we don’t need to do anything when someone else does. Not righting a wrong is wrong in itself so if we don’t do anything about the wrongs around us, aren’t we part of it?

My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land,

That they may dwell with me;

He who walks in a perfect way,

He shall serve me.

Lesson 6:

Keep good company.

Alright, so King David wanted good, upright men to serve him. We aren’t kings and don’t expect to be serve. But we can make it our resolution to serve WITH people pleasing to God; people who have the same destination as us and try hard to walk the narrow path.

He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house;

He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.

Lesson 7:

Honesty and truth are powerful.

Deceit and lies seems to be extremely useful and clever at first. But we soon realise, they cannot sustain a person for long. No matter how long one can maintain a façade or keep up a lie, they fall apart eventually. Which is why honesty and truth are more powerful, they are firm, unshakable and unchanging.

Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land,

That I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord.

Lesson 8:

Leave no room for sin.

While King David was talking about destroying the wicked people in his land, let us look at this destroying of wickedness from another angle and apply it to ourselves. In the city of the Lord, there is no room for wickedness and evil. Since we are the field and temple of God, one of the most basic and important lessons we need to learn in LIFE 101 then, is the importance of weeding these things out from us.


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