2013 - A Month With...,  Books of Wisdom (8)

Psalm 136


Do we ponder over God’s wonderful grace and love for us CONSTANTLY?

Do we give thanks and praises to our loving Heavenly Father for His mercy CONSTANTLY?

If our answer is, “No”, “Not very often” or even “I always forget to thank Him”, then we need to read this psalm line by line slowly and then ponder deep into it.

Bible Passage: Psalms 136

This psalm starts off with telling and reminding us to give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. And indeed, let us all be willing and keep this reminder in our hearts to always give thanks to the Lord, for our God is our Father who knows us and He feels for us; and He is always giving us things that are good/beneficial to us.

He is the Sovereign God, Almighty and wonderful, who created all things for us. In contrast, we are but dust and yet He is mindful of us.

Before God created man on the sixth day, He first created all other things good. This was to prepare good conditions for man to live in.

And when man is in trouble, He did not hesitate to stretch out His arm to save; just as how this psalm recounts of how God saved His people from the Egyptian bondage. (vv. 10 – 15)

The Psalmist reminds us that God showed His Almightiness and His mercy from the time He poured the 10 plagues upon Egypt, right through the time of the wondering in the wilderness, He had never withheld mercies from His people.

Due to the mercy of the Lord, He got rid of the nations who were much stronger then the Israelites and gave them a land flowing with milk and honey.

Therefore we must dwell in the grace of the Lord daily by CONSTANTLY recalling His mercy to us, and we must CONSTANTLY thank Him from the bottom of our hearts.

For if it weren’t for God’s mercy, we would not have the hope of eternal life; and if it wasn’t for the mercy of the Lord, we would still be wallowing in our sins, deeply immersed in this dark and perverse world.

Indeed we have a merciful God, who is the creator of all things, who is so willing to put up with our weaknesses and so willing to shower His mercy upon us.

So let us not take His mercy for granted, but to always remember His love and mercy, CONSTANTLY giving thanks and praises to Him.

May God forgive our weaknesses and bless us with a heart of thankfulness.


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