2012 - A Month With...,  Books of Wisdom (2)

Psalm 25-26

Psalm 25-26

Bible Passage:  Psalm 25-26

“Good and upright is the Lord;
therefore He teaches sinners in the way.
The humble He guides in justice,
and the humble He teaches His way.
All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,
to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.
For Your name’s sake, O Lord,
pardon my iniquity, for it is great.” (Psalm 25:8-11)
One of the reasons why the Lord delighted in David was his humility and willingness to be taught. David started out as a shepherd and rose in the ranks of Saul’s army and then later he became the king of Judah and finally according to the will of God became the king of a united Israel. It is non trivial to be humble as a king. His predecessor, Saul in the beginning was humble too but later became arrogant and was rejected by the Lord.
The Bible, the Word of God has instructions pertaining to eternal life. Unfortunately, there are so many interpretations of the Word of God and so many Christian denominations. If there is one Word, why are there so many truths?
The real reason behind so many truths is that a lot of people are not willing to humble themselves before the Lord. They are not willing to accept the decrees in the Bible and submit to the teachings of Jesus. Therefore, these people come out with their own theories and justifications in their faith that deviates wildly from the Truth in the Bible. The Lord guides the humble in justice and teaches the humble His way. His way is only one.
In our life of faith, do we also come out with a lot of justifications for our actions? Do we justify ourselves when we have done wrong to others or to lie or to cheat? Do we justify ourselves for giving into temptations? Do we justify ourselves for being infuriated with others? What is commendable about David is that he left behind psalms that tell us of his weaknesses, his fear and his admission of his sins. He makes no attempt to justify his mistakes but rather to mention them before the Lord and to ask the Lord for forgiveness. Even in the case of Uriah and Bathsheba, David realized his mistakes and did repent sorrowfully for it and accepted the judgment of the Lord.
For us to be teachable, we need to humble ourselves before the Lord. If we were to be humble, and to continually confess our sins, the Lord will guide us in His ways. What we will receive is mercy from the Lord and salvation of our souls. There are Christians who have received false doctrines that state that they are not sinners and that whatever wrongs they have done was caused by the devil. Such doctrines come from the devil as it takes away the feeling of guilt and repentance before the Lord and thus in process makes these Christians apathetic to their sins and unteachable in their ways. Only through realization of our faults, can we be taught in the Way as a perfect man need not be taught since he is already perfect.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
(Prov 9:10)
Are we wise? Do we fear the Lord? Are we humble? Perhaps the start of true wisdom is humility.

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