2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 2

In 2 Cor 2, Paul reminds the Corinthians and us of an important truth concerning our identity – that, as a church and as individuals, we are the fragrance of Christ to the whole world.

What is this fragrance? V14 tells us that we are spreading the pleasant smell of the knowledge of Christ to all those around us. Fragrance is not something spoken about, but rather something that is noticed by people around. Likewise, we spread the knowledge of Christ not just by telling others, but through our conduct. When we act like Christ, others looking at us will notice, and will know that this is how God wants us to be like.

Examples of Fragrance

Within the chapter itself, Paul gives a few examples of how we can become this fragrance to others.

First, being willing to forgive others. Forgiving others, even at our own expense, is a hallmark of Christ-like behavior. After all, the ultimate act of love Jesus performed was to sacrifice Himself to forgive all of us. In the Corinthian church, there was a brother who had offended many people. Today, we too will have conflict with others, or be wronged by others. Will we be able to do as Paul says, to be obedient, and to forgive and love those whom our Lord also forgave and loves?

We can also have the fragrance of Christ when we preach the gospel from a heart of sincerity (v17). When Jesus was on this earth, He preached to all people, even those of disrepute, and had compassion on total strangers, taking the time to preach to them and heal their sicknesses. I am sure that many people were drawn to his sincerity, which was in contrast with the religious leaders in those times, who used the word of God to boast of their own righteousness and despise others.

Who do we spread this fragrance to?

Who do we spread this fragrance to? V15 tells us that we are the fragrance of Christ both to those being saved and to those that are perishing, that is, both within and outside the church. A fragrance cannot be turned on and off. This means we cannot just be a “weekend Christian” – to only put on our Christian conduct when we come to church, and to stop emitting this fragrance the moment we step outside. Likewise, we cannot forget to be Christ-like to those we are familiar with – those within church and even in our own homes. Otherwise we may unintentionally chase people away from the faith.

The Aroma of Death

In v16, Paul describes us as an aroma of death to some. Isn’t this a bad thing? Why would we want to be an aroma of death? And to whom are we an aroma of death? It is those who, despite seeing true Christian conduct – having smelt the fragrance of Christ and knowing His goodness, reject it because they do not wish to change their ways to be like Christ. It is not that God does not want to save; rather it is man that rejects the truth. Jesus explains this to Nicodemus in John 3. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” This famous verse tells us of the aroma of life Jesus first brought forth by giving His life. But following this, in John 3:19 He says “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”

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