2012 - A Month With...,  Miracles and Sermons in Acts,  Oops...

First Sermon to Gentiles

Bible Passage: Acts 10:35-43

Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him…”

– Acts 10: 34-35


These were the opening words of Peter’s sermon to Cornelius and his household, the first group of Gentile believers to receive the Holy Spirit. God is one who is impartial when it comes to salvation grace, such that anyone, no matter who they are or of what status they have, can be saved by Him as long as there is repentance and the fear of God.


Salvation Of The Gentiles


Just earlier, God revealed His will for the Gentiles in a vision to Peter. And at the time, Peter probably could not understand God’s will for them, still harbouring the idea that only the Jews, God’s (physical) chosen people, were entitled to the salvation grace and they should have no part with them (Acts 10: 14; 28). However, Peter still willingly went down to Caesarea to meet with Cornelius and his household. And from there, the Holy Spirit guided him in the sermon, and he witnessed the Holy Spirit coming down on them. Only then did he understand the relationship between salvation and the Gentiles.


God shows no favouritism to anyone when it comes to who can come to Him and seek salvation from Him. As long as we are willing and repentant, people such as us can be baptised and become spiritual Israelites. And because of this will of His, we, as believers of Christ, are where we are today. Praise God.


Judging A Book By Its Cover


When we go preach the gospel, we do have this tendency to see who we can preach to based on their outward appearance and behaviour, who are potential ones and who are bound to fail. Honestly, if you have two friends, one who is a real overall good guy and the other is someone that can get you the “Most Patient Man/Woman of the Year” award, who would you prefer to preach to or would you approach both? Ok perhaps friends are fine, but what about strangers whom you’ve only just met or don’t really have close interactions with? I think Mr. Nice seems like an easier and more sure-fire choice.


But there are testimonies we hear of brethren preaching to really nasty people and they come to believe and make a 180 degree change in their lives, while nice guys refuse (nicely, but still refuse) the salvation gospel and remain as they are. When it comes to accepting Christ, it is no longer about how nice a person is, but how willing is the person to open the heart.


God has no partiality as to who we should approach to preach His gospel, because He desires for all man to be saved.


For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth…

– 1 Timothy 2: 3-4


For God so loved the world that He gave only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life…

– John 3: 16


We should remember that whether we have been born in the church or received Christ during the course of our lives, compared to these people who are so-called seemingly “un-preachable” or not nice to talk to, we are not any more deserving of salvation than they are. God had already been so gracious to us by bringing us to His fold. Then why should we restrict this from the above mentioned kind of people?


Maybe a staunch Buddhist is more likely to believe than a person who proclaims to be very opened to the teachings of Christ. Maybe a school or office “bully” is more likely to believe than the Mr. Nice Guy of the place. Maybe a grouchy old man in the neighbourhood is more likely to believe than the resident philanthropist.


Whoever we preach to, we must know that God wants everyone to be covered. No matter who they are, we should still try to preach to them, because it is the will of God. Only He is able to open the heart of someone and change.


So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase…

– 1 Corinthians 3: 7


Let us continue to pray to God to give us the guidance as He had given Peter when it comes to preaching to anyone, and to remind us that we should select our targets too specifically. Because by doing so, someone might have missed that chance to be saved…

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