2011 - Through The New Testament,  John

John 4

John 4

Bible Passage:  John 4

As of all the chapters in the Gospels, today’s chapter is chockfull of precious teachings from the words and actions of the Lord Jesus. What we shall do, however, is to have a quick sharing based on the central teaching recorded in verse 24:

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

In the chapter, a major portion of the verses is spent detailing how Jesus preached to a Samaritan woman and in turn to ‘many of the Samaritans of that city’ (Sychar).

In our time today, many years after the Bible was written, this may not seem strange or significant to us but as we can see from the reaction of the Samaritan woman, it was a breakthrough during the time Jesus was on earth in the flesh.

To Jesus, the physical constraints that stopped many from truly reaching God was something that He wished to overcome. Does it matter if someone is a non-Jew? A sinner? A woman? Not to Jesus because He looks at the heart and the spirit of worshippers.

Now, let’s try to translate it to our lives today. Look around you. Is there anyone that you have attached the label of ‘cannot be saved’ or ‘will not listen to the Gospel’? Have we unconsciously written off certain people because of what we see of them?

Remember then, that it is the heart and spirit of man that we cannot see that matters to God. Therefore, keep the door of the Gospel open wide and continue inviting people in for we really do not know who will walk through them and be saved.

It must be noted, however, that worshipping and believing is not just a feeling or a rush of emotions. Jesus stated that worship must be in spirit and in TRUTH which is why the Samaritans are another good example to us for they ‘believed because of His own word’ and because ‘[they themselves] have heard Him’.

Today, as we continue to worship God and bring people to worship Him, let us remember this fact that the True God who is a Spirit wishes us to worship Him with our hearts and lives based on the Word that He teaches us.


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