2013 - A Month With...,  Prophet Isaiah

Judgment and Promises – Isaiah 26-27

Isaiah 26-27

Bible Passage:  Isaiah 26-27

In this evil society, truth and righteousness is the last priority. Immediate gains through underhanded means and short cuts tend to be the norm. By doing so would mean compromising the truth and doing wrong. Many people in this world do not tell the full truth and typically lie to get favourable results. Lance Armstrong is a famous example of how one had to lie and cover up so much in order to achieve what he has (or had) now.

Another example was that recently at work, the main contractor of the project I am involved in kept telling lies and did many nasty back-stabbing accusations. This main contractor even told me that the truth does not matter and more importantly it is best to tell the customer the things he wants to hear!

In Isaiah 26 and 27, it says that the Lord God will come to judge mankind for their sins. The Lord is the true righteous Judge, and He will judge all of us when He comes again. Many people in this world including Christians, do not believe that there will be a Judgment Day. They do not believe that they will be judged according to what they have done and hence, many lead lives that are contrary to God’s teachings.

They are misled into thinking that the gospel is only about love and grace. They fail to understand and fail to read the True Gospel that encompasses all the chapters in the Bible. Some Christians feel that the God in the Old Testament is a different God in the New Testament. Some of these Christians may even feel that the Old Testament God is such a fierce God!

However, our God is foremost a merciful God. He gives us abundant opportunities to reflect and repent on our sins. At times, if we are stubborn at heart, He will exact punishment on us to turn us away from our follies. Yes, He does punish us. Some of us in TJC may not even believe that God does exact judgment on us. The NT God is the same as the OT God for God does not change. His character is the same yesterday, today and forever.

His way of doing things is to always give us grace first. He reminds us of our sins, and give us grace. If we still deviate from His path, He will remind us again and again by His words in the Bible, or from exhortations from friends, family and church leaders. Until the time comes if we still are stiff neck, He will bring upon punishment on us. He chastises us for our own good. If we again fail to repent, He may then leave us on our own. That would in fact be the worst punishment as we will face the wrath of His Judgment.

It is clear for sure that we are in the end times and Jesus second coming is really at hand. From the sins in this present world and where the world is heading especially in immorality and homosexuality, judgment will come and is at the doors. Just as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to sexual immorality, He too will come and destroy this present world.

Are we bogged down by the cares of this world especially with the high inflation we are facing throughout the world? Are we bogged down by our careers and pursuit for better material needs? The devil is smart in that he makes us work so much for the world to gain so little back. Some may even falter to temptations and take short cuts in life to attain more material possessions. By being bogged down to work harder to combat inflation, it makes us lose sight of God and His salvation.

If we were to heed His voice, when Judgment Day comes, we will pass the test that God has placed upon us, and He will gather us into heaven. Let us start to prepare ourselves, and rely on His grace and power, for the journey will be hard and more so in these coming years.

“Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” (2 Cor 5:9-10)

Let us be reminded by the Bible to make it our aim to be always well pleasing to Jesus Christ our lord.

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