
Mark Chapter 13 – Prepare, Cherish, and Pray

“…the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.” (Mark 13, 24 and 25)

Few weeks ago, I felt extremely small and humbled after undergoing a steep learning curve. Sitting in a room full of urban planners, architects, sociologists, anthropologists, geographers, engineers of all sorts, and a philosopher, I did my best to listen to their presentations as a layperson. It was an interdisciplinary research network session in which each presenter was given three minutes to explain their latest research on urban livability and sustainability. Despite the divergence of topics, they all signaled one thing–the planet is in crisis. Much of the 28 presentations have by now gone blurry in my memory, but certain key words and phrases remain alarmingly indelible: solar energy, planting trees, recycle water, zero carbon emission, cooling measures, cooling and more cooling…

It has been estimated that by the year 2030, the world will experience 1.5 disasters per day. By the year 2045, 70% of crop producing countries will experience extreme heat. As I write, we are now in the year 2023. I try hard to understand the severity and immensity of all these. The price of food will be extremely high due to shortage. When food is scarce on a global scale, people will fight for food, leading to social unrest, crime, illness, and death. 2045 is not far from now.  There is some time but not a lot of time. A child born this year will be 22 years old in 2045, in the prime of their youth, ready to embark on a life adventure. A 15-year old in 2023 will be 37 in 2045, perhaps setting up their careers and families. A 40-year old in 2023 will be 62 in 2045, perhaps nearing retirement. But will we be able to run the course of our lives as we have desired if the planet is in crisis? 

If non-believers of Christ believe that the planet is in crisis and are already doing their best to delay, if not to revert, climate change by innovating sustainable solutions, should we not believe even more so that crisis is indeed near? Jesus has already told us plainly in Mark 13. The sun, the moon, and the stars will one day dim their eyes. He has not only told us what will happen, but also very specifically what will happen to those that belong to God spiritually. It will not be easy (Mk 13: 3-19). 

What should we do? 

  • Fulfill all righteousness: Do our part to reduce, reuse, and recycle for posterity. For example, bring personal container and eating utensils when dabao.
  • Prepare: Every time we say a prayer, read the Bible, listen to a sermon, contemplate on God’s words, self-examine, amend our relationships with others and God, we are in fact preparing for our own eventuality. Prepare and be not afraid. If there is any fear or anxiety, turn it into concrete acts of preparation. It is only when we have contemplated on our eventuality, we can then know how to live in a meaningful way. 
  • Cherish: Cherish the present and those around you. Those around you today are gifts from God. You may have them today, but they may not be around tomorrow. Cherish the time you have and make good use of it. Time is never on our side. 
  • Pray: Pray for yourself, so that you may remain strong in the Lord. Pray for the older generation, so that they may age in peace. Pray for the younger generation, so that they may have the wisdom and courage to face uncertain days ahead. For all, pray for God’s mercy and preservation (Mk 13:18 and 20). 

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