2012 - A Month With...,  Sermons of Jesus

Sermons of Jesus – On Tribulations (2)



Bible Passage:  Mk 13:1-37; Lk 21:5-36; 12:11-12

When will Jesus come again? One thing for certain, He will not be coming this year since the Mayan calendar predicts this year is doomsday. Jesus says that nobody knows exactly when He will come again, but He gave us the signs of the Last Day to warn us believers to prepare for it.

Are we close to the Last Days? According to all the signs and what Jesus said, we are very close.

Some people may say that wars and earthquakes and natural calamities have been occurring for hundreds of years. Some scientists also claim that there is no increase in earthquakes. One thing for sure, the number of casualties from earthquakes has increased due to the earthquakes (especially really high magnitude ones we seen in the last decade) occurring close to highly populated areas. The casualty figures from the wars theses decades also far exceeded those during Jesus’ time.

As we also know, the moral degradation in society has worsened tremendously these years such that immorality is so common that is even accepted in society. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, man’s sin has reached out to God and it is a matter of time before man gets punished for his sins. It is sad to read on news comments that many people think that there is no Last Day and neither do they have the fear of God. Regardless of how these people feel or believe, the Last Day will come.

As believers, we should be more concerned about how we are going to meet the Lord. Have we done the works that Jesus commanded us to do? Have we put in the required faith in our walk with Jesus? It is pretty scary to read these verses:

“ For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.” (Mk 13:19)

 The tribulation that we or our children or children’s children will face will be so great and tough that it is something that has not been experienced before. This tribulation would even exceed the tribulation faced by the apostles and believers then.

During the apostolic time, many of them were thrown the prison, scourged, crucified and forced to denounce Jesus. Yet during that time, many of them held on to their faith amidst such punishing adversities.

I do wonder that as Christians in Singapore, we are so sheltered from such adversities and our faith may not be as resilient as those Christians who live in way tougher conditions.

If these tribulations come, for example through the rise of religious extremism and we are found in a situation where we have to make a choice between retaining our heads or to denounce Jesus, which would we choose? Perhaps all of us now will say that we will choose Jesus just as how Peter proclaimed, but in the real scenario do we have such confidence of keeping to our faith and suffering for Christ?

Thank God, Jesus also says that He will ensure that such tribulations will not overtake the elect.

“And unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days.” (Mk 13:20)

Therefore it is a reminder to us when we go through such tribulations, the Lord is with us. His purpose is to ensure that our faith is refined such that we have the necessary faith to be saved into heaven. When we look back through the Bible and are reminded of Jesus sufferings which in fact are tribulations He underwent for all of us out of His great love and mercy, we will know that whatever tribulations we go through is nothing in comparison to that our Lord went through.

As a conclusion we turn to these verses,

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” (1 Pet 4: 12-13)

Apostle Peter understood and regretted that denial from sufferings and tribulations for Christ was wrong. Through encouragement from Jesus, Peter boldly stood for Christ and shared in His suffering and in the end was martyred for Christ. Here he tells us that we ought to rejoice when we suffer for Christ as when we are partakers in Christ sufferings, we shall also be partakers of His glory.

May our Lord Jesus give us such faith and knowledge.


  • YSL

    The end days are so near yet so far. My sense of urgency is always greater when I am reminded of the last days. However this also gives rise to greater panic because I want more time, and yet I don’t know how useful more time would be or whether more time would mean more chances for sin…

  • PS

    2 Sabbath ago, i have a very amazing experience in church.

    A car was driving through the dining area to go out. A young sister was playing there. When our eyes met, i ran across and picked her up. i kept patting her back to assure her that everything was fine.

    This is the amazing part:
    she patted me back as if she wanted to assure me that she was ok. The comfort i felt through her feather-like pats was beyond description. At that moment, i felt loved.

    More time means more opportunity to receive love from His children.

    More time means more of God.

  • YSL

    That’s such a nice experience, I think I can understand what you mean. I give thanks because God offers us such a blessed hope! If as mortals on Earth, He allows us to experience the amazing warmth of love and experience Him, what more in Heaven! I cannot fathom love greater than what I experience now so with that hope of entering Heaven, I shall press on in living a Christian life!

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