Acts of Apostles

Acts Chapter 16

A Vision and Call to Preach in Macedonia

“strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22)

After reading the events of the last few chapters, I learn that we must in all circumstances, stand firm in our faith. 

For the unbelieving man, or an immature believer, his thoughts and actions are unpredictable. A mature believer, on the other hand, relies on God and has a quiet confidence in God’s strength and power to see him through life’s situations.

Paul had been revered and idolized (Acts 14:12,18), he had also been stoned (Acts 14:19). At the receiving end of these extreme treatments, he survived and continued steadily in God’s work, never losing sight of God’s commission (v4-5).

It was with this focus that Paul received and acted on God’s call to preach the gospel to the people in Macedonia (v10).

In Macedonia, the Lord opened Lydia’s heart to heed the things spoken by Paul (v14) and she and her household were baptized (v15).

In Macedonia, Paul and Silas cast an evil spirit out of a certain slave girl (v16-19) but were brought forcefully to the rulers of the city instead, facing false accusations from the people (v20-22) and were thrown into prison (v23-24).

If we had been in Paul’s shoes, heeding God’s call to preach the gospel in Macedonia but ending up in such a dire situation (in prison no less!) what would be going through our minds? Perhaps we think, “I have done according to Your guidance, God, why have I landed in such a state? How am I going to continue Your work in this place?”

Paul never wavered, and he held on to his faith in God. Together with Silas, they continued their worship, singing hymns in prison, praising and glorifying God (v25). Paul acted in faith and was consistent in his words and behavior throughout (v28). His actions led to the jailer and his household believing in God and being baptized (v33-34).

Through all these, Paul not only relied on God, he was wise in his daily dealings (v35-39). He had not wallowed in self-pity from feelings of being aggrieved and wronged. He knew not to be distracted, and constantly renewed his inner man despite the inconsistent treatment he faced from various people.

Today’s reading reminds me that as a worker of God, I must have a laser-focus on God’s commission for us, not be swayed by man’s reactions and treatment, and constantly rely on God to act wisely in various situations that I may face. I hope this chapter resonated with you too 😊. May God guide us.

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