2013 - A Month With...,  Letters of Paul (3)

Colossians 4

Colossians 4

Bible Passage:  Colossians 4

We have come to the end of another epistle of Paul.  But as we start a new week, the words of Paul serves as a good reminder on how we ought to conduct our lives this week… and every other week.

Last Sabbath afternoon, the preacher spoke about life choices.

These are choices we can also make today:

“Continue earnestly in prayer”  (verse 2a)

It does seem strange that Paul asks them to “continue” earnestly in prayer.  It is as if the believers in Colossae had stopped being earnest in prayers.

Wait a minute… have we also stopped being devoted in our prayers?  Do we pray less often.  Do we skip prayer sessions?  When was the last time you really prayer?

Only we know where we stand today… and perhaps it is time for us to get back to our praying habit once again.

“being vigilant in it with thanksgiving” (verse 2b)

The NIV version says, “being watchful and thankful”.

Very often, we do not know how to be thankful for something or someone until we lose it or do not have someone with you.

This is because we tend to take things for granted and do not treasure the graces we have.

Being watchful or vigilant requires us to be on the alert and very clear headed.  It reminds us that we cannot go through our prayers in a routine fashion.  Sometimes we do something so often that we say we can do it even in our sleep.  That certainly cannot apply to our prayers.

“meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ” (verse 3)

We all know the power of intercessory prayers.  And we hear prayer requests so often being read out on the pulpit.

Think about who do you want to and need to pray for this week.

There are many people who require our prayers – especially those who are out there preaching the Gospel to the lost ones.  The Spirit of God and His guidance is needed and God given opportunities are required for the doors of the hearts of men be opened to hear the word.

Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. (verse 4 NIV)

We all know that we should tell people about Jesus and our church whenever we have the chance.

The truth of the matter is… very few of us so in our daily lives.

In our knocking on doors, despite doing it for several years, I find that many a times, I am not able to explain things clearly and properly.  And it is not because that I do not know what to say, but very often, what comes out of my mouth is not goes in my mind… and the listener tends to get confused.

So being able to proclaim Jesus and His message clearly is something that I should pray for… and it is something you should pray for everyone too.

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity (verse 5 NIV)

It seems strange that Paul should instruct them to be wise in the way that they act towards outsiders.

But perhaps it is not so strange after all, as we too need to learn how to behave towards outsiders.

We do have regular truth-seeking friends coming to church regularly.  How many of their names do you know?  Do you know their background?  Do you know the questions or doubts they have with our faith?  Do you…

Paul says we must make the most of every opportunity with the outsiders.

To get to know them.  To help them in their needs.  To pray with them.  To counsel them.  And most importantly, to lead them to Christ.

Do we do it?


Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (verse 6 NIV)

Words can hurt.

Despite the children’s nursery rhyme that goes like this: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, But names will never hurt me” – we all know that the scars that hurtful words can leave us.

Paul thought that it was necessary to remind the members to keep their words full of grace and seasoned with salt.

This can be learned… if we are always mindful of what we say… and if we keep the Words of God close to our heart and pray consistently.

Let us keep these lessons in our mind this week.

May God grant us all a great week ahead.

One Comment

  • YSL

    Yet another reminder that faith and character building does not come effortlessly nor naturally. The elaborations on paul’s teachings are useful, thank you.

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