
Ezra Chapter 10

When Ezra was praying and confessing, he was weeping and bowing down before the house of God. His weeping brought a large group of Israelite men, women and children gathered around him. They were also crying with him bitterly. When we tell someone what to do, the person will respond to our instruction, but when our actions become an example for others, then more people will participate. And in this case, Ezra’s actions and example had motivated people of Israel to make a significant stand.

They make a covenant with God to put away all their pagan wives and children from improper marriages. Although this measure was extreme, inter-marriage to pagans or gentiles was strictly forbidden (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). Some of the exiles of the northern kingdom of Israel had lost both their spiritual and physical identity through intermarriage, even the priests and Levites had intermarried. Their pagan wives had caused the people of Israel to worship idols. Therefore, although it was a severe solution and difficult for some, but it was necessary to preserve Israel as a nation committed to God.

Following Ezra’s earnest prayer, the people of Israel confessed their sin to God, and they asked for direction in restoring their relationship with God. The true repentance does not end with words of confession, that would be merely a lip service. But the true repentance must lead to changes in attitude and behaviour.

When we sin against God and are truly sorry, we ought to confess it to God, ask for His forgiveness, and accept His grace and mercy. Confession is agreeing with God that our thoughts, words, and actions are wrong. We are recommitting ourselves to do His will and renouncing any acts of disobedience. Subsequently, we need to repent and make the needed corrections. Repentance involves turning away from all known sin and ask God for strength and wisdom to live for Him. God can restore and rebuild our relationship with Him and the lives of His people. The true repentance is all that is needed. 

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