
Gospel – Luke 23-24

The final two chapters of Luke seemed to me to be played in a fast forward mode. We have the trial of Jesus before Pilate and Herod, the walk up to Calvary, the Crucifixion, the death of Jesus, the Resurrection, and the appearing of Jesus to His disciples to give His final instructions.

Prior to this week, I was really looking forward to reading this final two chapters. I even felt a little apprehensive because I was not sure if I was ready to see Jesus die. But strangely, as I read through the chapters, the feelings which I imagined would be invoked were not. Am I numb to the death of Jesus?

Let’s read…

Bible Passage:  Luke 23-24

Are we standing afar off?

How did you feel as you read about how Jesus was falsely accused, how He was humiliated and beaten, how He breathed His last? Did you feel like one of those women who followed Him from Galilee, and who stood at a distance, watching these things (Luke 23:49)? I am not sure how they really felt (they were probably feeling a sense of loss), or what was in their minds throughout this entire period, however I cannot help but feel like one of them.

We may not be the ones to shout “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” (Luke 23:21), but many times we must have been like these women, merely standing afar off, watching these things.

We know that Jesus came to suffer and die for us; we really know. But somehow this knowledge does not strike a chord within our hearts. It cannot resonate to give a perfect pitch. If we are singing off-key each time we sing of the sacrificial love of Christ, then perhaps it’s time to ponder why.

Another reason why I was seemingly numb to the death of Jesus was perhaps due to the language and words used by Luke. If we were to compare this recording in Luke with that in Matthew, you will probably agree with me that you feel more emotions while you read Matthew. But this is a good test, isn’t it? Are we truly feeling for the death of Christ, or are we simply swayed and influenced by the language of the recordings?

Paul himself said,

And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)

Do we believe because of persuasive words of human wisdom, or do we truly believe He died for us?

The centre of our faith – what do we really want?

Remember what Paul exhorted the Corinthian believers?

And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. (1 Corinthians 15:14)

Some believers at the Corinth church were starting to preach that there was no resurrection, but as Paul clearly said, if there was no resurrection, Christ would not have risen, and our faith would be an empty faith! The least that a Christian must know of is the death of Jesus for our sins, and His resurrection and victory over death.

I always admired Paul when he said

For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2)

How many of us can concur with that? How many of us would rather know about other things?

For those who are working tirelessly at their job: how is the best way to complete this piece of work?

For those who are single: who is the person I would marry?

For those with children: what is the best method to bring up my children?

While there are inevitably many things that we need to know on earth, let us never forget the one thing that we ought to know for sure. The four gospel books are there to constantly remind us about Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Is He really the chief cornerstone of our life of faith?

During last night’s hymn and prayer service, verses from a few hymns that we sung really stood out for me. The third stanza of Hymn 389 goes like this:

Nearer, still nearer, Lord, to be Thine,

Sin with its follies I gladly resign;

All of its pleasures, pomp, and its pride;

Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified,

Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified.

Can you picture the exchange here? Sin with its follies being surrendered to God, and pleading from Him only my Lord Jesus crucified.

While the many worries of this life are threatening to choke us, and the many uncertainties of life scare us, let us be reminded that we only need one thing to get through with life. Having Jesus really is enough.The next hymn that followed Hymn 389 last night gave me further reassurance of the goodness of God.

The last stanza goes like this (Hymn 412):

At the blessed hour of prayer, trusting Him we believe

That the blessings we’re needing we’ll surely receive;

In the fulness of this trust we shall lose every care;

What a balm for the weary!

Oh, how sweet to be there!

Sometimes, we want so many things from God. We can even come up with many different reasons for wanting those things, including it being according to the will of God. But when God does not seem to agree with us, or when there is a delay in His reply, we start to get discouraged, and even worried and scared. This hymn, however, reminds us that God would never withhold good from those who love Him. He knows what we truly need, and we need to have faith that we will surely receive from Him those blessings we need.

Do you need good examination results?

Do you need a good marriage?

Do you need obedient children?

These are all blessings from God, and if these are blessings that we truly need, God surely knows, and He will give.

Only with such faith can we truly cast down all our worries and troubles at His feet, and really feel the sweetness of being His child.


  • Flake

    I remember asking a sister quite some time ago, about how she prays, as i was still fairly new to the church then. She replied that she doesn’t ask God for anything, except that His will be done.

    Just as in the Lord’s prayer, it was simply put: ‘..Your kingdom come, your will be done…” But how many of us could truly submit to God’s will?

    Again i remember Pr Shee’s sermon, when he said: Not to let our own will be God’s will, but to let God’s will be our will. As we enumerate the many requests that we have for the Lord, isn’t that a sign of lack of faith, that we have to ‘voice out’ our requests.. as if our Lord did not already know?

    This is easy to say, but very hard to do.. especially in times of trial and tribulations.

    But we have to truly believe that only God knows what is best for us, and if we submit fully to him through faith, we will be blessed.

    It is enough that He has died for our sins and prepared a place for us in heaven..what more could we ask for?

    For we know that “All things work together for good to those who love God”(Rom 8:28)
    The end will be sweet and victorious.

  • biblereadingcompanion

    Treasureinearthernvessel posed many questions that makes me stop, think and reflect where I stand with regards to my faith.

    “Am I numb to the death of Jesus?”

    This Saturday is another Holy Communion service where we are to partake of the body and blood of our Lord in remembrance of His death.

    Somehow, each Holy Communion seems to come so quickly that before I even do a fraction of the things I promised to do for the Lord after each Holy Communion, the next one is just a few days away.

    Have you ever felt that way? Sadly, I do… many times.

    When I was reading today’s Bible passage, it suddenly struck me that there were many characters around the climax of this Salvation story and all of them behaved in different ways in response to what was happening.

    Everyone saw the same scene unfolding before their eyes and yet, how they reacted was so different.

    Some laughed. Some wept.

    Some mocked, yet others asked for forgiveness.

    Some watched with hatred, while some were wrecked with love and grief.

    Some callously nailed Him, while some treasured His broken body.

    Some dismissed His claims. But others believed Him to be the Son of God.

    Which group of people do we belong to?

    Am I so used to reading this passage of the scripture that I am no longer moved by this GREAT sacrifice Jesus did for Me?

    One of the most moving hymns I have ever sung is “Were You There?”.

    Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
    Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
    Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
    Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

    It is hard not to tremble when I really sing this hymn as once again I ponder about the death of Jesus for me. This youtube video I found uses movie clips from the Passion of Christ and is a stark reminder of the pain and suffering Christ went through in my place.

    I have not sung this hymn for a long time already. Maybe it’s time for me to do so once again as I strive to live worthily of His love for me…

  • PS

    Luke 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

    Lord Jesus did this in the short while he was walking with them.

    Luke 24:32 And they said to one another,” Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

    Before i read the bible, i say a silent prayer asking Lord Jesus to guide me to understand His words.

    This may be a small action. May be also out of habit. Nevertheless Lord Jesus is faithful and living. He keeps His promise. The Helper whom He sends is the Spirit of truth (John 14:16-17)

    The Holy Spirit guides us into His truth. The Holy Spirit burns our heart.

    The bible is the word of God. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equiped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17)

    i always keep in mind to read the word of God with reverence. The roaring lion prowls around. Even if Lord Jesus gives me only a limited undesrtanding of a few verses in His chapters, it is sufficient for this little soldier of God. May Lord Jesus help me to use the 1 talent from Him to earn 1 talent for Him.

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