
Nehemiah Chapter 2

Nehemiah was the king’s trusted cupbearer (1:11), who ensured the safety and quality of the king’s food and drink. One day when Nehemiah was serving the king his wine, the king noticed Nehemiah’s sad appearance. It surprised Nehemiah that his sadness drew the king’s attention and he was dreadfully afraid because it was dangerous to show sorrow before the king, who could execute anyone who displeased him. In fact, anyone wearing mourning clothes was barred from the palace (Esther 4:2). 

But Nehemiah was not ashamed to admit his fear. He acknowledged the king’s position and clearly stated the reason for his sorrow. With little time to think, Nehemiah immediately prayed (2:4-5). He prayed at any time, even while he was talking to the king. Because he knew that God is always present and hears and answers every prayer.

The name of Jewish calendar month was mentioned in the beginning of Nehemiah 1 & 2. Why is it recorded here? Was it so important to notice? 

The month of Chislev is around November/December and the month of Nisan is around March/April. 

Nehemiah was a man of constant prayer as we can see in the multiple prayers recorded in the book of Nehemiah. The month mentioned in chapters 1 & 2 tells us that Nehemiah prayed for the matter and waited for four months with the kind of heart described in Nehemiah 1. Through prayer, he established an intimate relationship with God.

Prayer is important for our spiritual survival, and it should be a part of the life of every Christian. We cannot be a good Christian and not praying, just like our relationship with our family members. We cannot have a good relationship with our spouse or our children or our parents, if you do not talk to them.

Prayer is the pipeline of communication between God and His people, between God and those who love Him.

This reminds me of the lyrics in hymn 405. When you left your room this morning, when you met with great temptation, when your heart was filled with anger, when sore trials came upon you, do you think to pray? 

If we want to establish an intimate relationship with God, just like Nehemiah, we need to pray to God constantly. In sorrow and in gladness, don’t forget to pray. 

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