2012 - A Month With...,  Books of Wisdom (3)

Proverbs 29

Proverbs 29

In today’s chapter, it covers observations on people from kings to slaves, from the righteous to the wicked, and from the wise to the foolish; and of course they come with warnings and wise advices to these people.

We may well fall into one or more of these category of people mentioned in this chapter, so let us all read, ponder, and apply these words of warnings and wisdom in our daily lives as we face God, man and even ourselves.

Bible Passage: Proverbs 29

Be Righteous

Once I saw a sticker behind a van that reads, “Do good and you will go to heaven!” (sticker not of Christian origin).

Does this sound nice and simple? Yes it does. But what is good? Good by who’s standard?

To many people, doing good is to do things that do not go against their own conscience, and also good according to the general standard of man.

But to Christians, we know that the only standard of goodness and righteousness that we must live up to is the good and true standard laid down in the Bible, the Word of God.

For the world we live in, and the life that we have, they all come from God and they all belong to God.

Therefore the King who rules in our hearts is God, and His righteousness is what we all must uphold.

 When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,

 but when the wicked rule, the people groan.

 v.2 (ESV)

 A righteous man knows the rights of the poor;

 a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.

 v.7 (ESV)

Standing firm in true goodness and righteousness may not be easy, but it is only by doing so, then can we be the salt of the earth that bring pleasant flavor and preservation to the souls of the people around us; and definitely, we exude an aroma that pleases our God.

Accept Reproofs

All humans have pride, but the level of pride varies in every individual.

Thus, accepting reproofs has become something that not everybody can easily do. But the warning in the very first verse in this chapter is rather harsh.

  A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.

   v.1 (NASB)

As we all know that our upbringing differs and therefore our observatory ability also differs. Whatever we thought we knew may not be complete, so we need others to inform or teach us in those areas which we are lacking.

I have come across people who would never accept advices and corrections from others but carried on to think that they were well informed and very knowledgeable, and when they were proven wrong, the only thing they could feel was embarrassment.

Do we have this kind of character? I hope not. If we do not keep our pride in check, we may become arrogant and refuse to listen to the advices and reproofs from others when we do wrong; and the warning in this verse, “be broken beyond healing” is too risky to experience.

A friend of mine is this kind of person, hot tempered, always thought he knew a lot, and won’t accept other’s corrections. I’d done my part in trying to warn him of his ways, but he just refused to accept my advice and change.

And because of his obstinacy, he got beaten up several times by those whom he had offended. The impression that he gives to people around him is rotten beyond hope.

Very often I couldn’t help but to ask how could he possibly lead a peaceable life with his family, what will his end be? Will he be broken beyond remedy?

Rightly has the author put it nicely in v.22,

An angry man stirs up strife,

And a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.

We have to be aware of our mentality and character as children of God, for to shine forth the glory of God is our part, and is one of the many ways in which we can repay the love and mercy of God He has towards us.

There are always many eyes looking at us. So what do we want them to see in us? An obedient child of God, or an arrogant child of the world?

Be Humble

Learning is a life-long process and this is especially true when it comes to learning and understanding the will of God. But first and foremost we need to cultivate humility in doing this right.

We must also not forget that humility in listening to the reproofs of others is also very important, for others may have seen what we have not seen, and learnt things which we have no knowledge of.

 A man’s pride will bring him low,

But a humble spirit will obtain honor.


Pride and humility always go in two separate directions, with their backs to each other.

Pride is always boasting of high and lofty things, and it will always bring us towards dishonor.

Humility, is always teaching us to stay low profile, but God will enable us to obtain honor, for He will lift up all who are humble.

May God teach us His true wisdom and may His Spirit guide us in our daily dealings with matters and the people around us.



  • YSL

    This passage stood out to me and when I read about what is said to parents, to discipline their child, I realise that I’m grateful for my parents who are strict with me. Though my initial reaction is anger and indignance, after awhile, I realise that I appreciate their correction and praise the lord! I hope I can be a ‘delight’ in the end.

  • Sherman

    HC, Nice Passage – Some Sharing On Pride & Arrogance:

    1 Samuel 15:23 But Samuel replied:“For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.” – The prophet Samuel likened arrogance to idolatry. A form of worship of the person himself, and the book of Romans 1 even classifies arrogant people alongside haters of God. It is a serious sin.

    Unfortunately many, including those who have been to church for decades actually don’t even see Pride/Arrogance in the church as a problem. Its a warning signal that there exists an insensitivity to the workings of the Spirit. The Bible says “if the light of the body (eyes) is darkened, how great then is the darkness within!”

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