
Psalm – Psalm 146-148

Do we praise God constantly? “Well yes I do” some may respond. When we are attending a church service, during the hymn singing sessions, have we realized what exactly are going through our minds and how do we actually feel while singing praises to God? Why do we need to sing hymns of praises, and why do we need to praise God in our prayers?

Let us read today’s psalms while we bear the above questions in our minds, so that we may once again come to realize the importance and significance of praising God.

Bible Passage: Psalms 146 to 148

There Is None Like Our God

Who in this world can declare with confidence and boldness that their gods are fatherly, keeping watch over them wherever they may be and helping them through difficult situations?

Who in this world can say that their gods are wonderful, almighty, righteous and merciful?

There is none! For the gods of this world were created or were venerated from the imaginations of man according to their fancies, therefore these gods are also limited by the limitations of human wisdom.

But the God Whom we worship, He is the True God, the Almighty Creator of all things that exist. There is truly none like Him!

With such a God Who loves us, how can we not praise Him from the bottom of our hearts? How can we not want to draw closer to this God Who also desires to hold us in His bosom to give us the affection and love of a loving Father?

Shout Hallelujah All You People Of God!

Praise is an evidence of life. Our lives are sustained by the Creator God, for without Him, nothing stands!

Praising God is very important to all of us who know God and desire to draw closer to Him, for when we praise God, we also ponder over the wonders of the Lord and His mercies. The more we praise God, the more spiritually alive we become because we know that life is worth the living, for when our lives are in God, we have a hope and we shall see the eternal joy in His Kingdom.

Let All The Creations Praise The Lord!

The psalmist did not permit anyone or anything in all creation to escape praising the Lord. Everything in heaven and on earth must praise this wonderful God! The moon, the stars, and even the clouds are called to praise their Creator, what more we who were created in His glorious image!

There is a saying which was “inspired” by the Bible passage from Hebrews 2: 7, “Man was created a little lower then the angels, but man continued to go down lower still”. Do you agree? For me I kind of agree to this saying as we all can see that man has been doing things that do not conform to the status that God had bestowed upon man, not to mention doing things that conform to the image of God.

Indeed we were created a little lower than the angels, but God did not put anything under the angels’ subjection, for angels are only ministering spirits. And Jesus did not come to die for the angels but for man.

Therefore we who know God, we must bite on to this glorious status that God had bestowed upon us; constantly praise Him for His loving kindness!

Once again, how can we not praise our God Who is for us, Who does all things for our benefit and salvation? How can we not praise Him with all our hearts and soul?

Yes, we must praise the Lord always! Shout hallelujah from the bottom of our hearts with true gratitude and adoration to our Heavenly Father!


  • BH

    I had been pondering over the word ‘god’, ‘神‘.
    Some people like to mention ‘god’ casually in their speech, and for some, it even seems like a habit. I’m not sure if it’s a good way to speak.
    For example, when you say or do something, they would say, “你是神罗”, in a half-joking/sarcastic/whatever manner.
    Another kind of occasion is when I was helping my colleague troubleshooting. The moment I reached my colleague’s cubicle, the problem disappeared, and my colleague exclaimed, ‘you are god!’, as if my presence has mysterious powers.
    I’m rather annoyed by such kinds of statements and such habits of speaking.
    Then again, what is ‘a god’ actually? What does it mean ‘to be a god’? I’m digressing…

    With regards to praising God, we know that:
    Not all the blind have their eyes opened. Not all who are bowed down were raised. Not all fatherless and widows are relieved. And so on…
    So the question is, how then do we read these psalms and still praise God in truth? With what attitude do we read these verses when we are not in such sufferings and when we are?

  • PS

    WIth a heart of reverence and gratitude i read the psalms. The psalms are worded beautifully.

    Very much like the hymns we sing, they are worded so beautifully. And for me, a person inapt in words, they are ready-made praises which i can sing to God with a heart of reverence and gratitude and not worried that i say the wrong thing.

    Praise the LORD, O my soul!
    While I live I will praise the LORD;
    I will sing praises to my God while I have my being (Ps146:1-2)

    The LORD watches over the strangers;
    He relieves the fatherless and widow; (Ps 146:9)
    (While one person may thank God that he is not a fatherless, i thank God for watching over me, a fatherless. While not all fatherless r in church today, i thank God that the sun has shone on them too.)

    He heals the brokenhearted
    And binds up their wounds. (Ps 147:3)
    (i thank God for binding my wounds when i m injured. There is a song in this bible blog recently that goes something like inside this warrior is a child, though i m far from being qualified as a warrior, i thank God that He is strong enough to heal my brokenheart so that i won’t continue to go down lower still.)

    Great is our God and mighty in power;
    His understanding is infinite.(Ps 147:5)
    (He understands. He always does.)
    (i m stretching it a bit, understanding is智慧 in the ch bible)

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