2013 - A Month With...,  Letters of Peter

1 Peter 4

Bible Passage:  1 Peter 4

This chapter brings a message about living for Christ during the Last Days, which is very relevant for us all in this time of age.

1 Peter 4:1-6  Right Attitude of Commitment and Discernment

First, we need to arm ourselves with the same mind (1 Peter 4:1) that Christ have suffered on the cross for all and died for our sins. In return, God asks for our attitude of wholehearted commitment towards Him (Matthew 16:24), even though it is inevitable that there will be trials and tribulations (John 16:33).
Furthermore, we are living in this world, but are not of this world (John 15:19). Therefore we are called to live like Christians and not do the Will of the Gentiles. By doing the will of the ungodly, it is a path that not only takes us away from the focus on God, but from eternal life. On the other hand, it was written that we will be persecuted for living a life that is different from those of this world, not to mention, for believing in Christ the Savior (John 15:19; John 17:14; 1 Peter 4:4). Hence, Salvation is indeed a narrow way that we are called for, but eventually, we will all be accountable to God (1Peter 4:5).

1 Peter 4:7-11  An Attitude of Love

Second, our love for one another ought to be generous and without murmur. Love extends beyond those who love us, rather it is inclusive of those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44). God assures us that if we are persecuted for our godliness, God’s name will be glorified and we will rejoice with joy and gladness (Matthew 5:10; Matthew 5:12). I was often reminded that such tough times may happen to any believer, but it is often God’s Will to make us stronger through this furnace that moulds us and sharpens us for a greater purpose even until the very Final Hour.
In addition, there must be love among brothers and sisters in Christ. “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). Where love bounds in Christian fellowship, offenses are readily forgiven regardless, but where love is lacking, there bounds to be suspicion, misunderstanding, and bitterness, which is what the devil has always hoped for.
Praying for one another is also another form of love. It is also a service to one another. Most importantly, serious prayer is important, and Peter urged us to be prepared for the second coming of Christ.
In conclusion, this chapter encourages us to take on a right attitude towards the second coming, and in the process, exercise godly commitment and wisdom, as well as loving one another fervently.

One Comment

  • Camelinaneedle

    1 Peter 4 : 7 – “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”

    Prayers are phone calls made to God.
    The ones where only one person speaks, and the other, listens.
    They are intimate moments that no one else, but the person who is praying, can rip apart.

    Prayers are letters written to God in speech.
    The ones where only one person writes, and the other, reads.
    They are private moments that no one else, but the person who is praying, can interrupt.

    Prayers are secrets revealed to God.
    The ones where only one person confesses, and the other, knows better.
    They are honest moments that no one else, but the person who is praying and the other one who knows, can understand.

    Prayers can mean a lot of things.
    These are only a few reasons why prayers are so important and necessary.

    The truth is, prayers have always been taken for granted.
    I know I have taken them for granted.

    Prayers don’t use up a lot of effort. Anyone can pray at every moment of time in their lives and still feel energized.
    Because of this effortlessness of “prayer-making”, people have developed this mindset that reassures them that if they don’t pray today, there is always a possibility of them being able to pray tomorrow.

    People like to push prayers aside because they come by too easily.

    Sure, prayers are personal, but think of the one who is on the other side of this conversation.
    Where is your heart throughout the conversation?
    The other one must feel what you feel so strongly about to make that same effort, or an even greater effort, to pick up.

    I’m not saying that God only listens to earnest prayers and nothing else, He just wants to see your struggle and your need so He knows the right moment to intercede.

    We don’t know when God will come again.
    Sometimes, or most times, we don’t even know if God has answered our prayers.
    Prayers are what’s going to protect and preserve us. They keep us in close proximity to God, and that’s something no one should be flippant about.

    I am always learning to pray; asking God to teach me to pray.
    It is a simple thing,this “P” word, but the weight of its simplicity always weighs on my shoulders.

    Pray, pray for anything, for anyone, everyone.
    Surely, God knows what He is doing.

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