2011 - Through The New Testament,  Acts of Apostles

Acts 2

Acts 2

Bible Passage:  Acts 2

In 1969, something occurred in the month of July that changed the course of human history.

Two men came out of a vehicle and walked on unexplored territory. A global audience closely followed their adventure and the newspapers gave massive coverage to their exploration. It was a hugely significant moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set their imprints on the moon, forever changing the perception of humankind towards their very own capabilities.

Yet, one of the strangest outcomes of the event was how there were differing, opinions from people. Despite the glorious achievement for humankind, people were crafting their own sniggers and snide comments, suggesting that the entire Apollo 11 mission was a sham. Conspiracy theories abounded and still do today. At the same time, there were those who applauded the achievement, claiming it to be one of the biggest advances of the decade.

Sometime around the year 29 A.D., a similar outcome was the result of a much more significant event in human history. On the day of Pentecost, the bystanders who were standing outside a house were divided in their assessment of the pouring down of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2 shows us that some were filled with derision and mockery, choosing to disparage against the miraculous sign of tongue-speaking. At the same time, there were those who were amazed and chose to listen to the explanation of the phenomenon. The differing reactions resulted in differing lives henceforth. The mockers would go on to become cynical troublers of the believers, while the converted would be saved under the salvation of God.

It therefore becomes important that we consider what manner of reactions we have towards God’s works. For the as-yet unbelievers, there is a need to search out what is the meaning and significance of tongue-speaking in the True Jesus Church. For those of us who are believers, there is much to be learnt from Peter’s brave act (Acts 2:14).

We read of Peter’s impromptu sermon from Acts 2:14-36 and we know that it was indeed the Holy Spirit who gave him wisdom and utterance to declare the teachings of the scriptures (cf. Luke 12:12, 21:15). So convincing was Peter’s sermon that some men were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37)! This is a clear working of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God cutting into the soul and spirit of man (Heb 4:12). Only the pure Word of God, spoken as it is, can achieve such an effect

Today we might be thrust into certain positions where we need to declare the works of God to others. One common scenario is when friends/relatives ask us what our prayer in the spirit actually means. This and other such scenarios are occasions where we need to speak plainly and confidently of the teachings of God. By rightly dividing the word of truth, and sharing it with those who ask of us, we give these people the chance to believe in the sign of the tongues (1 Cor 14:22), and thereby the chance to believe in the marvelous workings of our God.

As with any big, significant event, the opinions of people will definitely be divided. History has proven this to us time and again, and we also know that not everyone who comes into the true church is saved. Yet we know and believe that God calls His own sheep and only He can open their hearts. Those who believe will be added to the fold, and the Lord will constantly add to the church those whom are being saved!

Let’s pray for the courage to be bold in proclaiming the works of God!

May the Holy Spirit help our church to be a sign to the unbelievers.


  • appleofHiseye

    At times I forget that the Holy Spirit dwells within me, that our hearts is a place where it lives. And the thing is, if our hearts are full of worries, troubles, plans, idols and other things, how will the Holy Spirit be able to stay? I was thinking about about what Peter said:

    “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.
    Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”
    Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:36-38)

    As I read through I skimmed over the first part. It didn’t register. I wondered why were they “cut to the heart”? Then I realised it was because they, we, crucified Jesus on the cross, because of our sins. So, “what shall we do”? they asked-a question that we ought to ask. And because He has given us His word, we know that we must repent and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s good to be reminded of His promises.

    Holy Spirit, Truly Mine (Manna, Issue 43)

    Come, Holy Spirit, now
    To dwell within this soul
    And become
    Truly mine

    Fill this heart to capacity
    And teach it love
    Wider and deeper than
    What it used to know

    Mold this character
    And give it patience
    To endure hardship
    Refined through hope

    To admit sin and fault
    And repent
    Self, will, and pride
    To resign

    Until I am no more
    And what is left
    Truly can be
    Wholly yours.

  • PS

    Acts 2:41 Then those who gladly received the word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.

    Acts 2:47 …And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

    Acts 2:44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.

    I frequently wonder how did so many believers (120+3000+ add daily) managed to be together?

    Acts 2:46-7 gives me a clue: these pioneer believers were easy to manage bec they knew their priority of life well:
    So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God…

    They were focusing on the task of witnessing which Lord Jesus left them. They were praying and praising God in the temple and houses. During meal time, they ate bread (simple food) with gladness and simplicity of heart. The temple was the evangelism center only. They were not all at one place at one time. They were at different places doing one same task, witnessing for God with one accord of heart and mind.

    • appleofHiseye

      I never thought about how so many thousands of believers can manage to be together. It is amazing. And it would be difficult to all be at one place at one time. But it’s nice to point out how the believers knew their priorities. God was first. I admire how they ate “bread (simple food)” with gladness and simplicity of heart-it sounds like pure joy without much hassle or fuss.

  • biblereadingcompanion

    I read recently about how much easier it is to give than to share.

    When we give – whether we donate to the poor, or give our things to those in need etc.. it is a one off act. After the act of giving is done, it is over.

    But sharing is requires you to continually be in the act…

    In the act of eating together, caring for one another… having everything in common for a period of time.

    When I think about it… indeed… it is true that giving is so much easier. But when you want to share… it requires quite a fair bit of effort. The example of the early church in Acts 2:42 – 47 gives me clues the areas of sharing I need to improve upon…

    * Shared or communal learning of God’s Words…
    * True fellowship with one another in church. Not the ‘smile’, ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ kind …
    * Praying together
    * Having true communion with fellow members in the Lord
    * Looking around for those in need and filling that need instead of being overly suspicious
    * Praising God with sincere hearts with all in church

    How I long to see and hope that I can be part of the scenario in Acts 2:47 where “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”.

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