Deuteronomy,  Uncategorized

Deuteronomy Chapter 14

“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.”
~ Deuteronomy 14:2

On Sunday that just passed, it was the first time since the pandemic started that we were able to conduct Baptism with lots of members gathering together in church and at the beach. We give thanks and praises to God for 3 new souls added to His flock.

So when I read Deuteronomy Chapter 14:2, it reminded me that indeed, because of the precious blood of the Lord Jesus that was shed for us on the cross, and through water baptism, our sins are washed away and we are indeed His special treasure.

Not just ‘treasure’ but ‘special treasure’.

This chapter starts off by warning the Israelites not to mourn like the Egyptians did. And the chapter continues by telling them that they should eat anything like the people of the world. There were clean animals that they can consume freely and unclean animals that they must avoid. And that there is a unique instruction on tithing that reminds the people of their unique relationship with God.

Now those who submit to God enjoy this special relationship with Him. Peter expands on this ‘special treasure’ concept by telling us:

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;
~ 1 Peter 2:9

Have you thought about what this special position gives us?

Does it mean we are and can act better than those who are not God’s people? No!

It just means that since we are His special treasure, we now have the responsibility to share His message of the kingdom of God to the people who are yet to become His special treasure.

The Bible uses another term for His special treasure – consecrated. This means to be set apart from the world.

Just as we do not mourn, eat or use the things we earn like the people of the world, we have been set apart from darkness into His marvelous light.

So that we can shine for Him. So that we can be the salt of the earth.

So that we can make a difference in the world of darkness because of who we are in God.

The evangelistic service is happening this weekend in TK. Why wait to share this treasure we have so that others can also become part of this special treasure?

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