
Epistle – 1 John 1-3

Let us read 1 John 1-3…

Bible Passage:  1 John 1-3

There are an increasing number of food and travel programs on TV. For that one hour during the program, viewers can almost smell and taste the food featured or experience say snow-boarding by watching the expressions of delight on the hosts’ faces as they sample and rave about all the various mouth-watering dishes and exotic destinations. It is as if the viewers are present to taste and feel it for themselves.

John had been with Jesus for three years during His ministry on earth. We know also that John was called the beloved disciple of Jesus. He walked with Jesus, talked with Jesus, ate and rested with Jesus. In 1 John 1:1-4, John reminds the believers that the word which they have received is the same as that which has been seen, heard and handled by those who experienced it first-hand, its authenticity intact. It must have been comforting for the believers to read the letter. They lived in times where persecutions and false teachings prevail. Some, perhaps more, amongst the believers may already have been swayed by other doctrines. Where there are uncertainties, doubts arise and fear grows.

True Fellowship

“If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

(1 John 1:6-7)

The former verse brings to mind that which is recorded in John 4:23, that we worship God in spirit and in truth.

What is worshipping in truth? To worship in truth, we need to know who we are worshipping and the nature of the subject of our worship. If the subject of our worship is without deceit, the worshippers cannot be filled with deceit (1 John 1:5). If the subject of our worship is righteous (1 John 2:29), the believers must try to emulate and work towards the same righteousness. For if not, what is the purpose of our worship?

During Chinese New Year, one ‘god’ always appears – the god of fortune. Hordes of people would crowd around this god, ‘praying’ to him that the year ahead will bring them good fortune. Is this true worship? Or is this an attempt to milk some benefits from someone who may have what we do not have?

Reading through the verses also made me think of another question: Can a person walk in darkness and yet not realise that he is in darkness?

When we walk from a well-lit area into a darkened room, we are blinded for a moment, unable to see anything. However after a while, our eyes become accustomed to the dark surroundings and we begin to make out the shapes of the furniture in the room and we can slowly navigate ourselves to the other side of the room. After some time in prolonged darkness, we are led to think we can navigate ourselves around the darkened room just as well as in a room which is lit. Having given in to temptation or having begun dabbling with things which we should not incline towards, if we don’t extricate ourselves from the fire quick enough, we may enjoy the heat, die slowly in the flames and yet not realise it.

The psalmist writes about how God knows man inside out. He humbly seeks God’s help in searching his own heart to rid of any wicked way in him (Psalms 139:24).

God sees us worshipping and wants to have fellowship with us. Are our hearts ready for true fellowship with God? Imagine two like-minded hearts having a great time together with so much to share with each other!

True Love

“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”

(1 John 3:18)

It all stems from true love. A little kid emptying all the coins she had saved in her piggybank to buy a present for Mummy, a wife hardly daring to doze off at night, ear attuned to the slightest murmur of discomfort from her beloved husband who was sick with stomach flu, a father taking a day off from work to spend time with the kids on school break. These thoughtful actions are a result of true love. We know love is accompanied by deeds. But what is loving in truth?

Jesus told His disciples at the Last Supper, to love one another as He had loved them (John 13:34). True love is loving as God loved us. He loved us with the hope that we keep His commandments as the apple of our eye (Proverbs 7:2) – the most important part of the eye which gives sight – for our own spiritual growth and freedom. If we show true love toward someone, our behaviour has its source in the truth and our conscience is confident toward God. This love benefits both the giver and the receiver.

And if we show true love towards others in our lives, God gives us whatever we ask of Him! (1 John 3:22-23)

We have studied what true fellowship and true love are. We are the intended recipients of this letter as much as the believers were during John’s time. Let’s set out to practice what we’ve learnt today in the upcoming spiritual meeting where we will feast together with our fellow brothers and sisters at the Lord’s table! Then perhaps we can experience the fullness of joy (1 John 1:4) and the abidance of His Spirit (1 John 3:24).

“The Love of God” song for you. Enjoy contemplating His love for you and share it!

One Comment

  • PS

    John 3:24 Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us by the Spirit whom He has given us.

    When A loves B, A puts B in his heart. A does things according to B’s wimp and fancy. This is the logic of man.

    When God loves us, He puts Himself in our heart. God ensures that all things works together for good to those who love Him (Rom 8:28). This is the divine logic of God.

    May be He is even afraid that we may still forget that He abides in us, so the Holy Spirit in us prays for us in tongue, with groanings which cannot be uttered.

    By the Holy Spirit in me, i know that God abides in me.

    Although i don’t understand the heaven language which the Holy Spirit prays in, i can feel His grieves at times. May be this is His frequent prayer for me:
    “Sigh, PS still cannot make it. Okay, I shall be patient with her for a while more. Sigh. Patient for a little while more. Patient.”

    My heart is very small. God must already feel super squeezy staying in me.

    How can i let the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life into my heart to fight for space with God?

    Must pray more to remind myself that God abides in me.

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