
Gospel – Acts 17-18

Bible Passage:  Acts 17-18

Paul continues his 2nd missionary journey with Silas and joined by Timothy. He went from place to place to preach, entering into the synagogues on Sabbath days as his custom was, to persuade the Jews that their Messiah had already come.

As usual, he was persecuted by envious Jews (of Thessalonica) who were not convinced. In addition, Jason who took them in was also persecuted for harboring them. These Jews were not just trying to chase them away, but like those in Antioch of Pisidia and Iconium, pursued them to another land (Berea) to stir up the crowds against them.

Now Paul was sent to Athens first, and he had to wait for his companions. But while waiting, he cannot rest but was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols.

How many of us would dare to speak the truth when you are in the midst of everyone else who are in their own world of their versions of gods?

One line that speaks of my motivation for preaching.

Paul said “these times of ignorance God overlooked”.

Indeed, I always feel that we cannot stop sharing the words of life with people because I believe that there are people who are simply ignorant of the truth and not because they do not want to know. It is of course very discouraging to preach to people who oppose us, snigger at our message of One True God and Savior, or have their pride with their years long experience of life that prevents them to even open their ears to listen to what we wish to share with them.

But the truth is – people need the Lord, but they do not know it. They have lived years without knowing who their first ancestors are, what their relationship with God is, and they have lived their lives just dealing with what comes everyday and what society has preached to them what life is about.

Whether we are a youth or a middle age person, we have learned this knowledge of Christ and a truth of life which it would be selfish to keep the good news of reconciliation with God to ourselves. How can we not put in our part to allow the people who come across our lives have a chance to get out of their ignorance of God’s existence? Whether in our sharing of words or in the testimony of our conduct, we hope that they might see God in our lives and perhaps lend a hearing ear of what they had been ignorant about.

In these two chapters, there is also mention of two of my favorite characters, or I should say my favorite entity in the Bible for they are a working unit as husband and wife.

Yes they are Aquila and Priscilla, fellow tentmakers like Paul.

There is not many passages about them but in the short mentions, you know that they work together for the Lord. That is my ideal in marriage!

I had always thought that the ideal life with one’s spouse is one of serving the Lord together. And what I mean is not about the man doing the work while the woman takes care of the house matters and kids.

Please do not misunderstand that I think that such partnership is in any way less ideal, in fact I think that is very good, otherwise there would not have been good preachers who can do their work well assured that their wives are independent and strong women who are capable of handling the household matters by themselves. It is just me that has this ideal image in my own mind, that both husband and wife can be out in the field of the Lord doing his work together hand in hand, strengthening each other to become even stronger in faith and service.

Aquila and Priscilla are also famous for correcting the eloquent Apollos in the ways of the truth which he had missed. Though Aquila and Priscilla may not be prominent preachers going from land to land to preach, they have definitely stood up for the truth rightly and contributed to enpowering another man to become a better preacher for God.

“Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” Acts 18:9-10


  • InHisTime

    This verse stood out for me in today’s bible reading passage:

    “..and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him..” (Acts 17:26-27)

    Recently, my neighbour, a mother in her 40s with two young children passed away. This came as a shock to my family as we saw her alive and well last month but within just a few weeks, she disintegrated rapidly due to cancer.

    This was a Catholic family and as i hear them sing hymns at the funeral held at the void deck, i feel sad since i know i should have done my part to preach to them the true gospel.

    Perhaps God brought us together as neighbours so i could evangelise. But it is so difficult since I see them everyday.
    It is much much easier to preach during door-to-door sessions.

    I think God has given us plenty of chances to preach the true gospel and true church. I hope the verse that thechosen quoted gives us courage:

    “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” Acts 18:9-10

    One day we all have to give an account to God.. He will ask us why we did not do our part to preach the gospel to friends and family or people around us.

    Are we prepared to face His wrath when he questions us?

    May God guide us and give us courage and wisdom to preach to the people we care about.

  • PS

    There were no record of God worked unusual miracles by the hand of Paul in Acts 17 & 18.

    Yet many who heard the preaching of Paul and his party were persuaded and believed. (Acts 17:4, 11, 34, 18:2, 7-8, 26)

    There was also no record of Aquila, Priscilla or Apollos receiving baptism, footwashing or the Holy Spirit.

    However there was no doubt that 3 of them did all 3.

    When Paul was preaching to the Jews, his main message was “This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.” (Acts 17:3, 18:5) Apollos preached Jesus is the Christ to the Jews too (Acts 18:28)

    When Paul preached to the Athenians, Paul’s message was his God is the One who made the world and everything in it. God has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:24-31) (John 3:16)

    May God give us the wisdom to preach His gospel in messages which can touch the listeners.

  • thechosen

    P’s wrote: “There were no record of God worked unusual miracles by the hand of Paul in Acts 17 & 18. Yet many who heard the preaching of Paul and his party were persuaded and believed.”
    – i thought that was a pretty good observation! May God grant us the gift of preaching with persuasive by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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