2010 - What Is Christianity?,  Family of Chosen Race

Exodus 32

Bible Passage:  Exodus 32

“So they gave it to me, and I cast it into the fire, and this calf came out.” Whenever I read this I find this statement of Aaron funny because it was as though the molded calf came out of nothing; Aaron was trying to defend himself and shrug off being responsible for the molded calf. However, when I were to think deeper into it, this statement was an excuse of a grave sin.

Aaron, being the high priest and a leader of the Israelites bowed down to pressure from the people and decided to placate their impatience and faithlessness by molding a golden calf. The biggest insult was that he even proclaimed that it was this golden calf that brought the people out of Egypt and not their Lord Almighty!

As spiritual priests today, have we listened to others and committed sins? Have we indulged in our flesh like the Israelites who were dancing and doing immoral deeds?

The golden calf has many implications and many people have tried to explain what it symbolizes. Since there are many explanations and none concrete enough, I shall not try to explain what it means.

However, the golden calf is an idol and as Christians and spiritual priests today, we ought to get rid of these idols and not to bow down to any idols.

We have to sanctify our bodies which is the spiritual temple of God. We have to constantly remind ourselves and separate ourselves from the world. In this end times, the world seems very focus on monetary gains, immorality and freedom.

Monetary gains through hard work and unscrupulous means; wider spread of churches preaching more on monetary gains instead of salvation and the Truth. Immorality in the form of adultery, pre marital relationships and divorces. The newspaper report that such pre marital relationships are so common and the age of those who engage in these activities are reducing yearly; the news even tells that children of 12 years of age doing them!

Also freedom in the form of freedom from God, and wanting to be kings of their lives. Atheism on the rise and Science being promoted as the Truth and God is being put one corner. We have to be wary of all these and not to be polluted by these negative influences. We have to be firm in our faith and not be overcame like Aaron and to give in to the flesh like the Israelites.

Perhaps the most notable or admirable action of Moses was that he interceded in prayers for the Israelites. God wanted to destroy the Israelites because of their grave sin and faithlessness but Moses prayed to God and disaster was averted. If not for the great love of Moses for the people despite their constant murmurings and complaints, God would have destroyed them and raised godly offsprings through Moses.

However, Moses remembered the promise of God that the descendants of Jacob will be as numerous as the stars of heaven and that the land of Canaan shall be their inheritance and that the Lord’s name should be glorified among the gentiles. Using these promises, Moses managed to pacify God’s anger and averted the extinction of the other tribes of Israel.

Moses is a good shepherd who loved his people dearly. We are also shepherds to our family members and some of us are shepherds to the young ones in church. We have to be our brother’s keeper and we have to learn from Moses. Moses was a humble, patient and loving shepherd to his flock; and in many ways he had the characteristics of Jesus Christ.

Num12: 3 “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.”

Lastly, Moses intercession prayer had a tremendous effect on the fate of the Israelites. Likewise, today we ought not to be discouraged in our prayers but rather continue in our prayers with faith and persistence.

The Spiritual Meeting is round the corner, and have we started to pray for one another especially for those who have not received the Holy Spirit? May we start preparing our hearts for the Spiritual Meeting and ascend the spiritual Mount Sinai to receive the Word of God and draw near to Him. May the Lord hear our prayers and intercessions for our loved ones.

I leave two verses for encouragement…

Luke 18:1 “Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart”

James 5: 13 “Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. 14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.”

One Comment

  • PS

    In Ex 32:1 the people wanted Aaron to make gods for them to go before them.

    In Ex 32:2 Aaron told them to collect gold from the earrings from their families.

    In Ex 32:3 The people did as told. Whole family, father, wives, sons and daughters, all chipped in.

    In Ex 32:4 Aaron “fashioned it with an engraving tool” and made a moulded calf.
    The people declared this was “your god that brought you out of Egypt”.

    In Ex 32:5 Aaron heard and saw. He turned a deaf ear and blind eye. He built an altar before it and declared, “Tomorrow is a feast to the LORD.”

    In Ex 32:24 Aaron defended himself with the excuse that “they gave it to me and I cast it into the fire and this calf came out.”

    Aaron made the grave mistake by trivialising the actions of himself and the people. May be these were his defence:
    -“The people wanted gods, I made only a ‘god’.”
    – “we used a very small portion of our resources, earrings only, to make it, it won’t be ‘big’ ”
    – “the altar is to worship “God”, the feast is to the LORD, isn’t it? it just happened to be before the calf.”
    – ” I throw it in and ‘it’ came out” (May be he forgot that he used engraving tool to fashion it.)

    Moses’ verdict:
    the people were unrestrained (for Aaron had not restrained them) (Ex 32:25)

    Aaron was held accountable and guilty. Trivialising mistakes did not change the fact.

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