
Isaiah Chapter 32

The beginning of Isaiah chapter 32 presents a stark contrast when compared to the period of Judges. In Isaiah 32, it discusses the safety that will prevail when a righteous king reigns and princes rule with justice. 

In contrast, the period recorded in the book of Judges exemplifies a time when there was chaos as everyone did what they believed was right in their own eyes, as there was no king among them to establish law and order.

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Isaiah 21:25)

While living on this earth, we might eagerly anticipate the reign of the true King of Righteousness who can bring about true peace, quietness and assurance forever. However, it is worth reflecting upon whether we ourselves have pursued righteousness. How can unrighteousness be tolerated in a kingdom led by a righteous King? Moreover, as we are aware of how righteousness can bring about peace (Isaiah 32:17), do we actively pursue it or do we choose to ignore it. Let us not ignore the reminder to pursue righteousness, lest we will be punished like the Israelites who refused to repent and turn away from their pride and unrighteousness.

““In returning and rest you shall be saved;
In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”
But you would not,”

(Isaiah 30:15)

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