
Jeremiah Chapter 35

God commanded Jeremiah to bring the Rechabites into the house of the LORD and give them wine to drink. However, the Rechabites rejected the wine given to them by Jeremiah because of the commandment given to them and their descendants by their ancestor Jonadab.

The father of the Rechabites, Rechab was a descendant of Moses’ father-in-law. There were documents suggesting they were related to the Kenites, and that they were not descendants of Abraham, however during the Exodus, they left Egypt together with the Israelites and entered into the promised land. Their ancestor Jonadab lived about 200 years prior, yet they continued to abide by his commandment strictly, completely abstaining from alcohol. Moreover, they also obeyed his other commandments, including not building a house, sowing seed, planting a vineyard, to dwell in tents all their lives, and live as sojourners.

God tested the Rechabites in order to rebuke His people. God drew a comparison between the Rechabites’ reaction to Jeremiah and the Israellites’ reaction to the warnings by God’ prophets. The Rechabites kept the commandment of their ancestor for over 200 years. On the contrary, God warned His people early on through His prophets, yet their warnings fell on deaf ears. The Israelites were unwilling to be taught.

The people of God can drink wine but are not to be drunk (Eph 5:18). After entering into the promised land, the people of God could build house, sow seeds, plant vineyards, and enjoy the blessings given to them by God. Evidently, God blesses His people and allows them to enjoy. God is not a God who makes excessive demands and places an unbearable yoke on the people that He loves. But out of His love, God has given His people commandments, that it may be well with them (Jer 7:23). On the contrary, the requirements of Jonadab exceeded God’s requirements for His people. But they managed to overcome their flesh and patiently obeyed Jonadab’s commandments for a long time. God’s people should be ashamed of this.

We, who are of the New Testament, are also God’s people and He has given us commandments to follow. At the same time He has given us spiritual blessings to enjoy, and sometimes, even material blessings. When we sin, God also uses warnings and even punishments to cause us to return. We also have the Holy Spirit who stays with us, and teaches us all things and brings to remembrance all things (Jn 14:26), who give us strength and helps us in our weaknesses (Rom 8:26). We are unable to tell if the Rechabites lived such a life because they were devout; there are many religious leaders in the world who rely on willpower and lead austere lives, and this is worthy of our admiration. But we are more blessed, because as long as we are willing to fear, trust and submit to God, He wil give us the strength to overcome our fleshly desires and overcome the temptations of the world and be worthy of being called His people.

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