
Law – Genesis 40-43

The remarkable life of faith of Joseph continues.

In prison, he was the in charge of the rest of the prisoners.  And this led him to an opportunity to interpret the dreams of the cupbearer and baker.

This ability – that he openly declares comes from God – later opened his doors to meet the Pharoah and help him understand the meaning of the Pharoah’s strange dream which none of the wise men in the kingdom could interpret.

And because the Pharoah perceived that the Spirit of the Lord was on Jospeh, he entrusted the entire kingdom to Joseph to plan for the 7 years of plenty and then 7 years of famine.

Fame, power and authority did not corrupt Joseph.  When he saw his deseparate brothers looking to buy food during the famine, he did not choose to exact his revenge,  Instead, through a series of events, he sought to know for sure his father and younger brother Benjamin was still truly alive.

Bible Passage:  Genesis 40-43

What significant thing caught my eye today?

Genesis 40:23

“Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph but forgot him.”

“How quickly they forget!” is a lament often heard.

In a sense, the chief butler owed his life to Joseph who had correctly interpreted his dream.

All that Joseph asked in return was to be remembered once the cupbearer was restored to his position.  The account may imply that the cupbearer agreed to do so.

But like so many people, he forgot his promise once he was out of trouble.

It was not until 2 full years later, that when Pharoah had a dream of his own that the butler remembered what happened in prison and his commitment to Joseph.  This he did apparently with some regret (41:9).

This incident stands to remind us all:  When was the last time we agreed to do something?  When we were in trouble, we asked God for help and promised that we will be more faithful in attending services or to do more things for Him; or we have allowed our commitments to slip and end up doing nothing at all?

This is like “out of sight out of mind”.  We should be people of our word (Matthews 5:37) whether it is towards God or towards men.

Think about it.

One Comment

  • PS

    40:8 Joseph said,”Do not interpretations belong to God?…”

    41:16 Joseph answered Pharaoh,”…God will give Paraoh an answer of peace.”

    It reminded me of the words of Peter in Acts3:6,”Silver and gold i do not have, but what i do have i give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

    What do we have that is invaluable, that we can give to others especially our yet-to-believe-parents? we have only the gospel of salvation of Lord Jesus and Lord Jesus himself.

    There is an evangelistic service in east district in coming April. Bring our parents. my mum comes to believe through a west district evangelistic service too. She got to know a few sisters during the service and they readily shower her with companionship in church when she starts attending service. They really take good care of my mum.

    LOrd Jesus is worth it. Lord Jesus is worthy.

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