2011 - Through The New Testament,  Luke

Luke 2

Luke 2

Bible Passage:  Luke 2

This is the 3rd time we are reading Luke since we started our Bible reading campaign in 2009.  But although the book, chapter and verses are familiar, I am sure we can continue to learn some new things or be reminded of old lessons long forgotten.  Who better to learn to be a better Christian, than from the Lord Jesus Himself? 🙂

I Am No One Special

But I am not going to start off with Jesus.  Instead I want to turn your attention to an old man, Simeon.

You would have read about him many times in Luke 2:25-35 and perhaps just think that he was so blessed to be in the right place at the right time to see the Saviour.  However, when I thought about it more, there was nothing special about Simeon that qualified him to take up Jesus in his arms and bless him.

To my knowledge, he was not an ordained religious leader, and he had no special authority or credentials.  He was simply a “just and devout” man who had a close walk with the Holy Spirit (Luke 2:25-27).

Simeon’s name means “God hears”.

And now, he has become an example of how God honours those who engage in a lifetime of quiet prayer and watchfulness.  Simeon was a man of patient faith, yet his wait for the Messiah must have seem endless.  It is quite likely that he would have occasions where he had his doubts, as numerous would-be messiahs sounded false alarms in the land.

Yet somehow he knew that the Redeemer would first come not as a great patriotic revolutionist to lead the people against the current authorities, but as a baby carried in the arms of his parents.  He knew that the kingdom of the Messiah would prove to be a stumbling block to some and the Rock of salvation to others, both Jews and Gentiles.  Simeon also knew that the young couple standing before him would be hurt by the controversy that would eventually surround their son (2:34-35).

So here we have someone who is not special in anyway – except that he was faithful in his walk and talk with God.  And God chose to reveal to him all these great things and allowed him to see His salvation plan.

We do not need to be anyone special today in church.  We do not need to be ordained ministers or committee members to be part of God’s great salvation plan.  All we need to do is to continue be just, devout, reverent, God-fearing Christians… praying, watching, waiting for the salvation of God to unfold.  And do what have been taught to do in the Bible.

God will use us and allow us to see His salvation unfold in the world.

The Mid-Year Evangelistic Services are just a few days away.  We may not be anyone special – but we can certainly play a big part in God’s salvation work.

What Kind of Student Are You?

Some of us are good students.  We like to study and do well for our exams.  Some of us are weaker students.  Or more playful.  So our results may not be just as good as the stronger students.

Well… that was school.  What about religious education?  What kind of student are you then?

What about Jesus?  What kind of student do you think He was?  Did He come into the world already knowing everything He needed to know?  Was He able to acquire knowledge without even studying?

The snapshot of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:46-47) suggests otherwise.  Though He apparently held His seniors spellbound with questions and responses, He nevertheless went though a lifelong process of education, learning and growing through lessons from the expert teachers.

Luke shows us of how Jesus was a student and gives us an example to learn from.  The rabbis Jesus encountered in Jerusalem were the preeminent experts in Judaism.  And Jesus made strategic use of these experts during His visit to Jerusalem for the Passover.  Jesus went to the temple to learn all He could about the law of God.  He proved to be an avid student, listening carefully and asking questions about His “Father’s business” (Luke 2:49).

But Jesus did not behave like a smart alec who sought to embarrass His parents or offend His teachers.  Luke recorded that He humbly subjected Himself (2:51) and increased in wisdom, and stature, and in favour with God and man.

It is a good example for all of us to learn.

In Singapore, we are very blessed to have so many local preachers, and visiting preachers who come regularly.  Not only do they deliver great sermons, but we also have many opportunities for specialised training in the Bible seminars, training courses etc.  These are all great opportunities for us to listen carefully.

These are also the time for us to ask questions and to learn and grow.

After all… if we want to be about our “Father’s business”, should we not take the time and effort to learn more about it so that we can do His work better.

Some of us have been Christians for a long time.  And yet, we still find it difficult to talk to our friends or relatives about our Church and our beliefs.  A lot of us feel that we do not know enough of the Bible to say anything.  Or we are afraid we may say something wrong.

The only way to get past that is if we learn.  Learn like Jesus.  Humbly. Eagerly.  Making use of any opportunity.

And if we do that…. I am sure we too will grow in wisdom and stature… in favour with both God and men.

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