2011 - Through The New Testament,  Luke

Luke 3

Luke 3

Bible Passage:  Luke 3

Bear Fruits Worthy of Repentance

Boy!  John the Baptist does not mince his words, doesn’t he?

He does not sugar coat anything.  In fact, he just simply let them have it!  If we tried preaching this way today, we would be scolded and warned to change our ways…

But it was something the people really needed.  It was the mirror that was desperately lacking in their lives to see themselves for who they really are.  It was the truth that will set them free… so that they can truly come to repentance and prepare for the coming of the Lord.

Nice soothing words will not save anyone.  But words spoken in truth and love…. that is what will save.

The warning of John the Baptist to the people then that the ax is laid to the root of the trees is also for us today.  We are Christians of the True Jesus Church – some for a longer time than others – but what is our faith like?  Are we so contented that we are already in the Church that is saved that we no longer look at how we behave, think and act?

“Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance…” (Luke 3:8)

John’s warning speaks to us now…

Recognizing our accountability to God can either be suffocating or liberating.  When we choose to continue in sin, this realization smothers and suffocates us.  We hate to hear those warnings and try to brush them aside.  But if we realize that we have sin and turn to God for forgiveness and live in obedience, we will enjoy the blessings and joy that freedom from sin brings.

God is not concerned only with our “spiritual” lives in church – where we go to faithfully and regularly to sing hymns, pray and listen to the sermons.

No!  Walking in His way impacts every daily aspect of our life.

Just look again at what John said to the crowd, tax collectors and soldiers.

The fruits worthy of repentance include:

  1. Sharing what we have with the needy;
  2. Feeding the hungry;
  3. Refusing to cheat in our business deals, workplace or school; and
  4. Making sure we never use our authority or status to oppress the weaker and more vulnerable.

The principles are clear.  So how are you doing in each of these basic areas?

Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord

We all know that John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus… and that he came earlier to prepare the way for the Lord.  In fact, Luke echoed the prophecy found in Isaiah 40:3-5 that John was called to make straight paths for Jesus… and all mankind wil see God’s salvation (Luke 3:4-6).

I found another reference in Isaiah that spoke about preparing a way… for the people.

Go through,
Go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up,
Build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up a banner for the peoples!

Isaiah 62:10

This was very interesting for me as the call to prepare the way… is both for the Lord and for the people.  Let me try an explain.

Just as Isaiah challenged the Jews to prepare the way of the people and to gather out the stones and stumbling blocks in the highway, we should be similarly challenged today.

John prepared the way of the Lord so that the Gospel of Salvation can be declared to the world.  We need to also prepare the way of the people, so that any obstacles in front of the people to prevent them from hearing and believing in this Gospel of Salvation can be removed!

The problem is many of us are living selfishly.  We do not think about how our lives and choices have on other people.  But the fact of the matter is… the way we live has an impact on all those around us!

What Jesus wants from us is to live every day carefully so that others around us would know the way of salvation. Having a personal relationship with God is the most important part of our life, but the Lord also wants us to set an example for others.  He wants others to be able to see Him in us!

Those of you who drive may understand this… especially if you have driven at high speeds in the highways of Malaysia (now tell me… how fast can you possibly go in the roads of Singapore? (: ).   If you are driving very fast and you see a stone on the highway… what do you do?

You try and avoid it, isn’t it? Why?  Cause hitting a stone (even a small one) on the highway can be very dangerous and accidents or event death can occur.  We may be able to navigate around the stones.  But what about the cars behind us?

Wouldn’t it be better if we move the stones out of the way to “prepare the way” for those coming behind us?

There are many temptations, snares, obstacles and problems in all our lives – this includes Christians and non Christians.  These are just like these stones on the highway.

Some of these stones can be handled or avoided – just like we avoiding the stones when we are driving.  But some of the stones are simply to hard for people to avoid.  And they may end up losing their lives.

The ‘stones’ in the highway to believing in Jesus are many. This could be the kind of activities we are involved in that sends a wrong message to those who have yet to believe.  This could be the kind of music we are listening to.  This could be the way we behave that shows we have yet to really bear fruits worthy of repentance… This could be anything that can knock off someone from coming to know Jesus.

Tonight is the start of the Evangelistic Services.

Have you invited anyone?

They are not coming?  Why?

Just consider (and this is very much for myself than for you)…. are there places in my life that I need to cast out some stones?  Are there any areas that I could do something to prepare the way for someone coming behind me?

John was very clear in his life mission that he was to prepare the way of the Lord.  We should be also very clear in our life’s mission to preach the gospel.  Let us not just get by caring for our own spiritual life alone… but be aware of others in need and ‘Prepare the Way’ by the conduct of our life.

Here is just a song that serves as a reminder for me each day that “people need the Lord.”  Let’s pray for the door of grace to open over the next few days….

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