2012 - A Month With...,  Parables of Jesus

Parables of Jesus – On Israel

Parables of Jesus - On Israel

Bible Passage:  Matt  13:44, 11:16-19; Lk 7:31-35; 13:6-9; Matt  21:33-46; Mk 12:1-12; Lk 21:9-19

It’s bit of a depressing read today, isn’t it?

Here are a series of parables of Jesus – all pointing to the chosen race of God, Israel.  And they come off looking vindictive, barren, wicked and murderous, betrayers and haters…

As spiritual Israelites, the warnings of the parables of Jesus in today’s passage are also very relevant to us.  However, instead of focusing on all the parables, I would just like to look at the one in the centre – Luke 13:6-9…

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree.

I thought that this was a rather apt parable to consider today.  Half a year has almost passed by.

Have we done everything we promised Jesus we would do at the start of the year?  Are we reading our bibles regularly?  Being more attentive in services?  Visiting those in need?  Start preaching?

You have your list and I have mine.  The frightening thing for me is that time has passed by so quickly and my to-do list is almost as long as when the year first started!

Have we been fruitful for the Lord so far this year?

When we read from Luke 13:1 onwards, we learn of two calamities that happened in those days that was well known to all around.  And the common thinking was that the people who suffered in the calamities were sinners and deserved such things to fall upon them.  And since this group of people here have not experienced these disasters, it must mean that they have not sinned!

Can you see their warped logic in their thinking?

But they are not alone in their thinking… when nothing extremely bad happens to us, we think that we are doing ok and that there is nothing that God is displeased with me.

But is that true?

Jesus spoke about the parable of the fruitless fig tree to give an answer to the people then and to us today…

What was so frustrating about this fig tree was that it did not bear any fruit.  Even after three years!

After the first year, the owner gave it two additional chances, hoping and expecting that the fig tree will bear fruit.  Despite this extra opportunities…. no fruit.

Very often, we are the same.  We don’t do what we are supposed to do.

We say we love God and others.  But very often, we love ourselves and look after ourselves.  We think about getting started for God.  We end up wasting our time doing things that brought no benefits…. we cannot even remember what we did!

What would you do if you were the owner of that fig tree?

I know what I would do…. chop it off.  It’s a waste of my time, effort and resources to keep it growing since it does not do what it is supposed to do after all this time.  It would make sense to cut it down and to plant something else in its place so that the vineyard will be as productive as possible.

But here, the gardener pleads for mercy on our behalf.  He pleads for grace – a stay of execution.

He says, “Give it a little bit more time… Let me try and nourish it more….”

This gardener reminds me of Jesus.

Jesus as our mediator before the Heavenly Father, pleading for our weaknesses so that we have the chance to grow again.

I know that God has given me many chances to start again.  I know that I have let God down many times and did not deliver what I am supposed to.

But despite all my weaknesses, God is patient with me and gives me a chance to start again.

And I believe you have experienced that you.

But there is an expiry date and time for us to repent and be fruitful.

In this parable, the result of true repentance would be for the fig tree to bear fruit.

Likewise, let us properly examine ourselves today and see where we are lacking and start working at bearing fruit.  So that when the Master comes around again, He would be pleased with us and not order for us to be truly cut down this time.

May God have mercy on us.

One Comment

  • YSL

    I think the last passage was scary, to know that the family that raise me in the faith could turn me away from it. Even more reason to work hard for god!

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