
Poetry – Proverbs 14-15

Proverbs! How I hate this book! And yet… how I love and treasure it.

I hate it because each time I read it, it reveals more and more of my weaknesses and drives me to despair when I think about them.  I hardly dare to read as the words of wisdom are like daggers being thrown directly at me, piercing my heart and soul.

But I love and treasure it because each time after I get past my discomfort and think and reflect upon the words of wisdom, I do feel that God is talking directly to me as a loving Father, admonishing me, correcting me, encouraging me and comforting me.

If you have been following along the Proverbs readings, you would know what a struggle it has been for me to do Proverbs.  Reading today’s passage was yet another painful experience …

Bible Passage:  Proverbs 14-15

You just can never get tired of reading the book of Proverbs because each time you read it, new teachings, new reflections and new impressions just come to you.

Reading today’s passage was like receiving multiple hammer blows to my chest.

BAM!  Bam!  BAM! On and on the words of God were hammered into me…

The Foolish Self Confident Man

A wise man fears and departs from evil,
But a fool rages and is self-confident.

Proverbs 14:16

In fact, my wife had just said something along the same lines just a couple of nights ago.  She was concerned and was encouraging me to be watchful in prayer as I continued to be actively part of various church activities and projects.  I still remember dismissing her fears when she said that…

You know, I always pride myself for being an easy going person with a very good temperament.  I hardly ever lose my temper and can be very patient and calm.

But something happened yesterday that made me lose my temper in a very bad way and in a rash, I did and said things that I ought not to have said.

In my overconfidence of one of my greatest strengths, I failed miserably.  I did not act wisely.  Neither did I recognise the signs of the evil one – and allowed myself to be drawn into the mix of anger and harsh words and ended up a fool.

One mark of the fool is overconfidence about being able to avoid evil.

“It can’t happen to me” is his motto.  “And if it does, I can handle it” he boasts.  But the Bible says he is tragically mistaken.

I know that now…

“Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall,” the New Testament warns (1 Cor 10:12).  And Jesus told His disciples who insisted that they will never abandon or deny Him even if it will cost them their lives, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.  The spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is weak.” (Matt 26:35, 41).

I’ve come to the understanding that overconfidence about one’s own moral and spiritual strength is perilous.  It shows that one has no appreciation of the nature and power of evil.  If people such as Moses, David and Peter were tempted and fell into sin (Num 20:2-13; 2 Sam 11; Matt 26:69-75), what chance do the rest of us have if we fail to be wary of sin’s power?

So we read in Proverbs 14:16 that we are to depart from evil, that we turn our backs to temptation and refuse to toy with sin.

And that was what I did not do last night.

I should have walked away. I should have turned my back.  I should not have carried on…

And I learned a bitter lesson and must admit that I am a fool.  All the Words of God stored inside me throughout the year… all the spiritual nurture that I have strove to improve upon this year… all wiped out in a flash of anger.

Indeed, whatever tempts you to sin, we must do whatever it takes to turn our backs on it and turn towards “righteousness, faih, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Tim 2:22).

Be Slow To Anger

As I said, I got very angry yesterday.  And said and did foolish things.

After the dust had settled, and I was calmer and had prayed to God asking for His forgiveness, I was very apprehensive about reading today’s Proverbs passage.  Because I knew that God will not let me off lightly.

And He did not.

He who is slow to wrath has great understanding,
he who is impulsive exalts folly.

Proverbs 14:29

We all know these teachings well.

Being slow to wrath allows us time to reflect on a given situation.

When we take time to reflect on a situation before we act, we may see aspects that aren’t readily apparent at the first glance. In addition, in situations that we allow ourselves to become angry,very often, other poeple are involved as well.  Therefore, being slow to wrath may allow us time to evaluate and think about why and what we are angry with the other individuals about.  This can lead to a more rational action.

Wrath implies a level of emotion that is above simple anger. It often precedes or implies some form of retribution. We want to take some action that will make us feel good at the expense of the other party.  As Christians, we should be careful about becoming wrathful. Specifically, since God has declared that vengeance is His (Romans 12:19).

I am also learning that even if we had thought through a situation and feel justified in exercising our wrath, we should still turn to Jesus in prayer before acting on our wrath.

I need to be reminded that Jesus expects us to forgive those who offend us.  It is often easier said than done… especially when you are in the midst of the situation.

But we all know from past experiences that impulsive actions are often not the best acions.  Often, these actions will only result in deep regret and sorrow.

Jesus will judge me according to how I respond.  And once again, I really need forgiveness from the Lord and your prayers for me.

Proverbs 14:29 was not the only verse on anger today.  It seems as though God knew I needed a heavy dose of reminders today and He just let me have it today.  And as I read these verses… I could not help thinking… “if only…

A quick-tempered man acts foolishly,
And a man of wicked intentions is hated.

Proverbs 14:27

A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger
The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness

Proverbs 15:1-2

A man has joy by the answer of his mouth,
And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!

Proverbs 15:23

The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD,
But the words of the pure are pleasant.

Proverbs 15:26

The heart of the righteous studies how to answer,
But the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.

Proverbs 15:28

I started with words of encouragement from my wise wife and will now end with another encouragement from her.

When I shared with her what I felt after reading today’s passage, she said words to this effect that it does not matter how many times we have read it or even memorise the verses in Proverbs. We will still not rememver them or forget to put them into practice.

That is why we need to read them daily and also pray about them so that in the light of our new experiences each day, these words of wisdom can bring us practical and godly insight and lessons.

And if YOU are reading this… please forgive me.  I am really sorry.

May the Lord have mercy on me.


  • maverick

    I find chp 14:13 quite interesting. it kind of describe how i feel sometimes. Sometimes, you maybe in the midst of companies but you feel sorrowful (ie. being in a crowded place but still feeling lonely) In actual sense, i think the reason is because you feel that no one can truly understands or can truly share the burden with you. There is so much to say or to express but who is close enough that you can trust on and not grow weary to listen to your confidement/whining etc… Each counselling session is just like mirth, it eases your pain for a while, but after that sorrow comes again. The worldly entertainment/companies is just temporary, you feel happy after watching a movie but in a while you will feel emptiness… or after a gathering, each have to depart to their routine business…you feel bored/emptiness after that. So, I guess it is only in God you can truly find lasting joy, comfort and peace.

  • BRC's companion

    Someone shared this with me once when she was extremely down. In her bitter struggle to free herself from the bondage of sin, she clung on to God in tearful prayers day and night. Many times, there were just sobbings, deep sobbings. Then one day, she came across these verses that lifted her soul out of its hopelessness.

    “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips,” and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips,” your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” Isa 6: 5-7.

    When we confess our sins sincerely and humbly before God and pray unceasingly and earnestly to be cleansed, He does care to listen to our hearts and make us more like the man or woman of God we long to be.

  • Flake

    We always thank God that He points out our mistakes in amazing ways.. somehow through conversations with church brothers and sisters, church sermons, simple verses from the bible..

    Sometimes we could forget the sins that we committed, but through our prayers the Holy Spirit reminds us of our iniquities, to quickly repent and ask for God’s forgiveness.

    We are thankful that He shows mercy to us, knowing how weak we are, how prone we are to committing sins. Hence, let us resolve to strive to emulate Him in His holiness.

    Today’s bible reading passage serves as a reminder to tread our journey through life carefully, evey step we take, every word we say, every thing we do and think, we have to be watchful and cautious.

    Simple things that don’t go as plan could stir up irritation, which leads to anger.

    Jostling with inconsiderate commuters on the buses and trains, buses and trains that do not arrive on time, having to cover for an absent colleague when there is already enough on my plate, massive traffic jams… i have lost count of the number of times i was screaming “MURDER!!” in my head, and yet half the day hasn’t even passed yet!

    The words of God i hear from sermons over the weekend at church, partaking of the Holy Communion, prayers- they were all cleanly swept away from my mind.

    But having such thoughts make me no different from the gentiles around me.

    The bible constantly warns us against being angry. From today’s passage, chapter 14:
    “A quick tempered man acts foolishly” (v17)
    “He who is slow to wrath has great understanding”(v29)

    Especially in our society today where we are too used to instant gratification, anger is a dominant emotion.

    May the Lord guide me that I could be slow to anger, lest i act impulsively.

  • PS

    Prov 14:25 A true witness delivers souls. But a deceitful witness speaks lies.

    When i read Prov 14:25 in the chinese bible, i m touched by it. When i read it in English, the impact intensified.

    This is the work of preaching gospel. When we spread the good tidings, we are only bearing witness. Bearing witness of His actual working in our lives. Bearing witness of Lord Jesus’ salvation. Bearing witness to deliver souls.

    Importantly, only a witness of the Truth delivers souls.

    Hell and Destruction are before the Lord; so how much more the hearts of the sons of men. (Prov15:11)

    D2D is to bear witness of Lord Jesus’ words of life. May God bless the effort to divert men from the path of Hell and Destruction. May God give words to our lips to bear His witness to move the hearts of men for only He can see their hearts and know what they need. Only He can move their hearts.

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