2010 - What Is Christianity?,  Gaining of Wisdom

Proverbs 6

Bible Passage: Proverbs 6

Editor’s note: Sorry to the reader as this was a late submission. Reason being due to a certain phenomenon in the brain activity whereby the signal to write this blog didn’t trigger. In other words, I forgot…

Ah.. The book of proverbs, filled with many words of wisdom that are of tremendous significance to our spiritual lives and growth. I think if we were to write and share about the verse in a very detailed manner, it will take too long. Likewise, this chapter alone talks about a number of things, which I cannot possibly touch on in great detail, lest I bore you to death.

So I’m just going to share on two points that struck me the most…

•1.      The Folly of Indolence – To be like the ants

Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise;

Which, having no captain, overseer or ruler;

Provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 6: 6-8

And this isn’t the only part in the book of Proverbs which mentions the ant. Here is another one in chapter 30…

The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer.

Proverbs 30: 25

In both chapters, both writers mentioned about the ants, who being a creature of miniscule physical strength, have a great advantage over most. They are industrious creatures who prepare food way before the difficult season of winter sets upon them. What’s more, both writers describe the ants as being wise.

From verses 9 to 11 in Proverbs 6, Solomon rebukes those who are indolent (that is to not do work probably due to dislike of it, or are just lazy). Such people, as according to Solomon, are fools. Of course, this is something applicable in our work and studies. But, being in the Bible, it also definitely touches on the aspect of our spiritual lives.

We are always being told to build up our faith now and early and to prepare for that day to come. It may be summer still, but before we know it, winter will come again. If we are like the ants, we would be preparing right now, and not be sluggish in working out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2: 12, minus the “sluggish” bit).

And remember in Ecclesiastes 12: 1? To remember the Creator in the days of our youth before the difficult days come? Let us not forget to do such and to start preparing ourselves before the difficult days come indeed.

•2.      The Wicked Man – 7 abominations

These six things the Lord hates. Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

A proud look;

A lying tongue;

Hands that shed innocent blood;

A heart that devises wicked plans;

Feet that are swift in running to evil;

A false witness who speaks lies;

And one who sows discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6: 16-19

In this chapter, these are seven characteristics of an evil person. And these are seven things which are an abomination to the Lord. And this alone shows the severity of these things. Of course, I don’t think we would do these… At least, not intentionally… But we can take this as a reminder and a warning to ourselves, lest we commit one or all of these.

To be honest, when I look at these, I actually feel very bad. I cannot proclaim that I’m not guilty of any of these…

I have never murdered anyone physically, but have I caused an innocent one to fall?

I do not want to run to evil, but do I actually run towards God?

I do not want to sow discord among us, but have I unknowingly or unintentionally cause misunderstandings?

We have to examine ourselves constantly. Though we may not appear to be the stereotypical evil guy to most people, we still have to examine ourselves and compare with the standards set by God. I think we can safely say that we all fall waaaaaaay short of His standards… So let us not be sluggish to improve ourselves in faith and our spiritual state.

Let us strive to make a breakthrough as we continue to work out our salvation…

One Comment

  • PS

    My son, keep your father’s command,
    And do not forsake the law of your mother. (Prov 6:20)

    The requisite for the above is that the child honors his parents according to 5th commandment. It is unlike that the parents’ command and law will be heed if they are not honored in the first place.

    Bind them continually upon your heart and tie them around your neck!

    The father’s commands and the mother’s laws can keep the child bec these commands and laws are from God. And they have spiritual power and strength.

    When you roam, they will lead you- A dn called this his GPS (God-positioning-system).

    When you sleep they will keep you- Once i had a nightmare, i told myself next time when i have nightmare again i just need to remember to pray and things will be fine. One night, i was awoken by my prayer in tongue. i didn’t remember any bit of the nightmare. It’s really fine when i remembered to pray.

    When you awake, they will speak with you- When God calls, He calls from the heart where He abides. However the brain filters His message bec it thinks it’s brainier than the pump.

    The brain constantly forgets that it’s created by God.

    The new heart has the duty to remind the brain. Bec it is the replaced part at baptism.

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