2012 - A Month With...,  Books of Wisdom (1)

Psalms 3-4

We are into the 4th year of our daily bible reading plan. The bible reading blog started off in 2009 and thanks to God’s guidance and grace, we have a steady stream of regular readers, commentors and writers contributing their encouragements and thoughts for 3 consecutive years.

It was also a chance for me as one of the writers to ponder and reflect on the passage, and discover deeper meanings and gain new perspectives on the verses.

It has been an edifying journey indeed!

Bible Passage: Psalms 3-4

At the writing of Psalms 3, David was in a great deal of trouble. His own son led a successful rebellion against him while his friends forsook him. (2 Samuel 15:13)

He was in such dire circumstances that the people believed even God could not help him (Ps 3:2).   

Despite the adverse conditions, David continued to rely on God and was full of faith that God will deliver him from his troubles. He was not affected by the negative remarks from the people around him.

Despite the reproach of enemies, he continued to hold on to God firmly. He knew that as long as he did not do anything wrong, God will save him and he will be vindicated.

How many of us could be as deeply rooted in our faith as David?

Were there situations when we feel we are beyond God’s help? Were there comments from people around us that cause us to doubt God?

I am sure in our lives there will be setbacks and discouragement from people including church brethren that threaten to shake our faith.   

In both Psalms there was mention of sleep – peace in the midst of storm. If we put our full trust in God we can enjoy true peace. David can sleep well at night, even in times of distress, even when surrounded by the ungodly. He slept well because his safety comes from God, not from people or his environment.  

David found in God a shield for himself.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

                                                                                                  Romans 8:31

God is our creator and we can be assured that nothing falls out of His control. Regardless of what may come our way, we can have absolute confidence that we will emerge victorious at the end.


  • Halley

    In both Psalms there was mention of sleep – peace in the midst of storm. If we put our full trust in God we can enjoy true peace. David can sleep well at night, even in times of distress, even when surrounded by the ungodly. He slept well because his safety comes from God, not from people or his environment.  

  • isfp

    It is true that our faith maybe fragile and easily swayed by naysayers… In the case of David, (3:2) Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.”

    It is really true that God wouldn’t deliver him? What or why these people concluded that David will not be saved? It is because of his past actions/sins? or they are just malicious?

    One thing for sure is that David’s conscience is clear and his heart is pure. Thus, he is able to sleep in peace(4:8). I believe as long as u do what is right in the eyes of God , you wouldn’t need to be afraid/troubled by what others say/judge. But if your conscience prick you… then you will have to think twice.

    Another thing i want to share is v4:4,6-7.

    4:4 “Tremble and do not sin;
    when you are on your beds,
    search your hearts and be silent.”

    When is the time that you can really listen to yourself? In the quiet hours.. after our work or busy day… For most, i think, it would be the hour we lay on our comfortable bed. Many thoughts will runs in our head. That is when you don’t need to hide, don’t need to put up a tough front and embrace your tender self. That is the time you can truly search your heart. Hopefully, your heart would be in bliss. However, sometimes worldly cares does overwhelm our thoughts (ie. worry about future or feeling unjust of certain colleague treatment to you etc etc). Which results us feeling frustrated and lose sleep. That is when we need to “guard our hearts”(Proverbs 4:23)quieten our hearts. And thus “be silent” (Psalm 4:4). How to be silent? I think it is to cast all your cares upon God and also have confidence in Him, that He has heard your prayer. Just like Hanna, She prayed, Eli answered her and her countenance is no longer sad. (1 Samuel 1:15-18). Although, God does not solve the problem right away, but we must have faith/confidence in God will provide.

    Another verse that struck me is:

    4:6 Many, LORD, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity?”
    Let the light of your face shine on us.
    7 Fill my heart with joy
    when their grain and new wine abound.

    Many people in this world are looking for prosperity in their life. But what they are missing is God’s light shining in their hearts. It will flood our hearts with joy, peace. “Peace which not the world gives you” (John 14:27).

    This reminds me of a hymn 160. 🙂

    Let there be sunshine in our soul !

  • PS

    Be angry, and do not sin.
    Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. (Psalms 4:4)

    The chinese bible seems easier to understand:你们应当畏惧,不可犯罪 ie be in fear (of God), and do not sin.

    David had indeed demonstrated times again that he did not sin bec of his godly fear for God of his righteousness!

    Joseph did like wise. (Gen 39:9)

    So did Daniel too.

    After David laid down on bed and meditated in stillness (both physically and mentally), he came to an important realization: he had to offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put his trust in the LORD.

    How did he know that he could trust God in the first place?

    Bec he could lay down and sleep!!!

    This simple.

    Often we brush aside and do not count little blessings and mercies from God in our daily life but keep harping that God is afar.

    Often we ourselves cry, “There is no help for me from God!”

    “You have put gladness in my heart, more than in season that their grain and wine increased.”

    “I will both lie down in peace, and sleep.”

    Notice the word “both”?

    David counted “laying down” and “sleep” as 2 blessings. No wonder he did not have to look far for God.

    God is always in his heart! And David is always in God’s peace!

  • Treasureinearthernvessel

    Having an exam the next day made me really anxious and the way I cope is I zonked out. So right after I came home from work, I slept. I was drifting in my sleep for a few hours, before I decided that I really have to get up to study. And in a humorous way, I thought a few verses from this two chapters speak to me:

    I lay down and slept;
    I awoke, for the LORD sustained me. (Psalms 3:5)

    Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. (Psalms 4:4)

    I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
    For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalms 4:8)

    Strangely, I get a comforting nudge from God that He is reminding me that in Him, I am all secure. He is my hiding place; He is my refuge. And in Him, I can have peace, and be still.

    God is my helper. Whenever I call on Him, He hears.

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