2011 - Through The New Testament,  Hebrews

Hebrews 4

Hebrews 4

We ended reading in yesterday’s passage about the Israelites not being able to enter God’s rest.  What is this rest all about?  Today’s chapter gives us some more insights into this …

Bible Passage:  Hebrews 4

There are a few major themes in this chapter but I would like to focus on just one thing…

God’s Rest

Before we think that this rest is only for the Israelites, we read that the blessing of God’s Rest is there for us – even today.  This we can read it in Hebrews 4:1, 6, 9.

What kind of Rests are there?

In the Old Testament, there were 2 “rests” mentioned.

The first was the weekly Sabbath rest – the one that we are most familiar with.  The Sabbath rest that started in Genesis 2:2-3 when God rested after His creation – was one that we were all invited to enter for it is a day that God specially blessed.  The Israelites were reminded to keep the Sabbath and enter into His rest by not working on the Sabbath.  They were to trust in the providence of God – especially so in the wilderness during Exodus.

And because of their faith in God in keeping the Sabbath, the other nations around could see that their God was real and powerful, and He was faithful and takes care of His own.

The second rest was rest from their enemies.  This was the rest that Joshua had given them – mentioned in Heb 4:8.  God said that He will go before them and defeat their enemies so that they can live in the land He has give to them (Deut 12:9-10).  All they had to do was to trust in God leading them and just obey.  But as we read in yesterday’s chapter, the first batch of Israelites in Exodus did not enter that rest because they did not trust in God’s promises.  But 40 years later, the next generation of Israelites did – and Joshua led them to enter this rest.

While these two are great ‘rests’… the author of Hebrews speaks about another future and greater rest.. a rest that God’s people could enter into.

This rest was already mentioned by David in Psalm 95:7-8.  This Sabbath-rest is for the people of God…. and is a rest we should all strive to enter.

We have this rest because of Jesus.  And this rest is freely available to all.

Jesus says it most beautifully in Matt 11:28-30…

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Whenever I grow weary with life in this world, I would like to read these words of Jesus and also the words here in Hebrews 4.

Because Jesus is calling out to those who are weary from trying to pull loads that are too heavy for them.  It is not about physical loads – but about the burdens of living in this sinful world where toil and labour only brings you frustrations and pain.  But Jesus promises us rest… He is willing and able to pull our loads because He is strong… but we have to get into His yoke by coming to Him and learning from Him.

Not only this… there promises to be a future rest – where we will cease from all physical labours and sufferings.

Are We In This Rest?

We often hear people around remarking that they have no time… that life is so busy and we have no time to rest.

And how much we really need to rest.  But we simply cannot find the time … or the opportunity to rest.

But here we read of God offering His rest to us – the physical rest, the Sabbath day rest and the rest that comes from Jesus with the hope of a future eternal rest – it would be a great shame if we do not take God at His word and enjoy the rest!

But are we in this rest?  How do we enter into it?

Faith is the key to entering God’s rest.  It requires us to believe in God’s promises (Heb 4:2-3).

The problem is that very often, while we know this… we tend to fall …. just like the Israelites… and disobey God … and in so doing… are in grave danger of also missing out on entering this rest.

That’s why the next 2 parts are so important…

Word of God

Hebrews 4:12 is a familiar verse that is worth repeating and remembering…

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

How do we know if we are disobedient?  Who can tell us if we are doing wrong and missing the rest?  Who knows the inner most thoughts and desires of one’s heart?

The Word of God is living and powerful… able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.  And that is why we need to read the Bible regularly… and allow the Word of God to dwell in our hearts richly and guide us.

This Bible reading campaign in its 3rd year… at times I do feel that I have grown spiritually but at times… it seems I am back when I first started…

So … we need to really read and know the Word of God for ourselves… cause it will help us enter the rest.

Jesus the High Priest

We are also to draw near to Jesus.  Jesus knows our every weakness and He understands where we have been or are going through.

But the promise is this… we can approach the throne of grace with confidence – because we can receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Heb 4:16).

How marvellous is this!

When I read this part… I cannot help but feel overwhelmed…

Jesus is there to help me in my time of need…. with His mercy and grace.  And that will bring rest to my soul.

The only need is for us to come before this throne of grace.  We have to come before Him often.  In church.  For services.   In prayer.  In reading His Word.

Have we done so today?

Recently, I came across this contemporary song that I like a lot.  It’s called Enter The Rest of God.  Tell me if you like it too 🙂

May we all find true rest in the Lord Jesus.


  • BRC's Companion

    Thanks for the song. Yes, I like it. Soothing melody and good lyrics.

    God provides many forms of salve to our weary and battered souls. If only we let them fill our hearts and minds, we will find the rest we need.

    “Come to Me….Walk with Me, learn the unforced rhythms, live the unforced rthythms of grace”. It’s a process of leaning to God, being with Him and learning His ways. God has an open door policy, but first, we have to make that conscious choice to enter.

  • appleofHiseye

    Thank you biblereadingcompanion, that was a meaningful song with a nice guitar strumming…I see now what the rests meant for us in today’s sharing.

  • PS

    Yes, indeed Lord Jesus is our refuge.

    Hebrews 4 conveys a message which sounds contradicting at the first reading, but gradually makes much sense at subsequent readings.

    The rest of God is an active rest. Just as the love of God is a righteous love.

    Hebrews 4:2 For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.

    Hearing is not enough. Must mix with faith to produce actions which add value ie profit, eg believing is an active intent of the heart.

    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Hebrews 4:13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

    God speaks and God watches. God speaks then He watches how we hear and how we walk His words. The rest is an active living by faith of the words we hear.

    There is a slight difference in Hebrews 4:13 in the chinese bible:
    “to Him to whom we must give account.” is recorded as与我们有关系的主面前 ie all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him whom we have ties.

    Yes, the tie is fostered by the precious blood of Lord Jesus. We are reconciled to God by His crucifixion.

    He died for us to bring us the redemption, what else will He not help us in. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

    Enter the rest.

  • Locked Garden

    I was 5 chapters behind… I m glad to finally catch up.

    Talking about rest, yesterday a parent complained how her 5 year old daughter always refuse to go to sleep at night. Then a sec 3 student said to the little girl… Ehm so sorry i cant remember her exact words, but her point was that one day when she got older, she would enjoy the sweetness of rest.

    That conversation came to mind as I read Hebrew 4. The more mature our faith is, the more we long to enter His rest. Another thing is that, it takes a certain experience in order to be able to appreciate God’s rest.

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