
Isaiah Chapter 50

“He awakens Me morning by morning,
He awakens My ear
To hear as the learned.”

I believe that many of us, just like me, have grown reliant on our alarm clock (be it the old-fashioned clock that is at our bedside or the feature in our phone).  And perhaps, just like me, it is not something that I look forward to listening to, especially in the early hours of the morning.  In fact, I often set alarms several minutes apart, so that I can sleep in a little more without the fear of over-sleeping (which sadly I do at times, and there is a mad rush for the toilet).  

The only times that we loved the sound of the alarm are on occasions that we can’t bear to wait for, a long-awaited event that we have been looking forward to, such as our wedding day, promotion day, etc.  Wondering why time is passing by so slowly, why is the alarm still silent as we tossed and turned in bed, counting down the seconds painfully.  We might even jump out of bed, way before the alarm sounded.

This now begs the question; do we have the same inclination towards the word of the Lord.  

We may often dread the sound of the alarm clock, though we know deep down inside us, that the alarm serves a very critical function in our lives.  Without its timely reminders, we may find ourselves in serious situations, such as late or missing out for school, work, appointments, etc.   

Do we likewise recognize the criticality of the word of God in our lives, which has much greater bearing and significance in our lives, especially in today’s context.  (Matt 24:33, 1 Pet 4: 7).  

“The Lord God has opened My ear;
And I was not rebellious,
Nor did I turn away.”

Are our ears truly open to the voice of His calling.  Have we fallen to the same hypocrisy and folly of the stiff-necked people, who honour with their lips but whose heart is far from God.   

“The Lord God has given Me
The tongue of the learned,
That I should know how to speak
A word in season to him who is weary”

If we think further about the purpose of the alarm clock, we may also realise that the timely reminders that we receive, gives us adequate time to make preparation.  As such, not only do we use the alarm to wake up, but we may also set alarms to remind us key information such as assignments that are due, anniversary dates that are coming up, medical appointment etc.  We thus can go about the necessary work of preparing for these key events.  In like manner, there is great purpose in the God’s words to us.    

“Why, when I came, was there no man?
Why, when I called, was there none to answer?
Is My hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem?
Or have I no power to deliver?
Indeed with My rebuke I dry up the sea,
I make the rivers a wilderness;
Their fish stink because there is no water,
And die of thirst.
I clothe the heavens with blackness,
And I make sackcloth their covering.”

Let us seriously open our ears to listen and respond swiftly to the call of the Lord.  If despite all these, we still choose to ignore and continue in our nonchalance, what awaits us will be the fearful expectation of what may come (Heb 10:27).

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