


Bible Passage:  Jude

Have you ever watched debates or sporting matches? There is plenty of verbal and physical sparring. There is certainly no lack of action.

Christians are called to active service and to vigilance in the cause of Christ.

We have a mission to accomplish and an important cause to fight for; we cannot help but stand up and contend for it.

A Call for Action

“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” ~ Jude 3

The definition of ‘contend’ in the dictionary reads:

  • To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle
  • To compete; vie
  • To strive in controversy or debate; dispute

Striving, competing, disputing, struggling and vying are all action verbs. We stretch ourselves to achieve our best. We do not strive after our goals sitting down. In the recent SEA Games, we see clearly the defining traits of a title contender – focused, determined and with a goal in mind. Behind him is months, possibly years of hard work and training to prepare for this one race.

As true Christians, we contend for our status as God’s precious children, bought by His own blood. Neither confession, baptism, nor the Holy Spirit can save us if we turn from our faith into disbelief. Like the avid sportsman, we work diligently every single day in preparation for the big race ahead.

How do we contend for our faith?

In our Spiritual Meeting last week, brother Yang Beng gave his testimony of how he prayed for God to grant him the Holy Spirit. He acted upon that which he saw was lacking in his faith, tried praying for it at every opportunity he could grasp, failed, came up with new action plans and tried even harder. He likened his struggles to Jacob wrestling for God’s blessing.

Very few people today possess such determination and resilience in contending for their faith.

Bro Yang Beng’s struggles were internal; he was contending with himself for the betterment of his spiritual condition.

On the same note, we must have the same alertness in contending for our faith when faced with others who may question or challenge us. We are ambassadors of God and His truth. Do we know whom and what we are advocating? Do others see Jesus in us? We seize opportunities in our lives to share and spread accurately and completely God’s message of salvation!

The situation of the church at that time prompted Jude to give the believers a serious warning against false teachers in church. Going to church is not just about receiving encouragements, feeling good, singing spirit-lifting hymns, and having a good time. We study God’s words and put them into action in our lives.

“Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” ~Phil 1:27

What do we contend for with regards to our faith?

It is difficult to come up with a list, for there is so much we can do to improve our spiritual health. Besides doing things which are beneficial to our faith and edifying towards God, we need to be proactive both in promoting and defending the truth in our daily lives.

Jude records the presence of bold and shameless apostates amongst the flock (v12). Apostates are not true believers of Christ; perhaps they once believed, but have turned away from the truth. They harbour and promote ‘new’ (non-Biblical) teachings which do not have basis in the truth.

OurKingsWatchman shared an interesting (and terrifying) picture yesterday of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. There were a group of apostates who believed that they could do anything they wanted to do if it felt good and as long as it did not hurt others. This brand of belief was referred to as Gnosticism and it was a serious problem in the early church.

Not too long ago, through chatting with a few colleagues, I realise that Gnosticism is not something which existed in history. In fact, a number of people still hold similar views today. There is an argument put across by gay advocates that there is nothing wrong with homosexual relationships because they are not hurting anyone else. It seems to make sense, but is it really what God said? Jude makes reference to this in verses 7 and 10.

There is much to contend for with regards to our faith! The truth, the Holy Spirit, strength from God, wisdom from above, a God-fearing spouse, responsible and godly children, a pure faith, saving lost sheep, and working towards our salvation (1 Pet 1:9).

Is all the effort worthwhile? Many will affirm that it is priceless 🙂 God is pleased if we strive after the good that He has planned for us.

May our merciful God give us the confidence (Rom 4:20-21) to contend for all these and more, for His glory!


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