
Psalm – Psalm 140-142

The psalms we’re reading today are psalms of David when he was being persecuted. We may not experience the kind of persecutions that David had experienced, but we have to be prepared, for the Bible tells us very clearly that those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (ref. 2Tim. 3: 12, also see Mark 10: 30).

Everyone’s tolerance to pain differs, and so are the reactions to pains. Under certain pressures, different people take different means to face the pains. Some face them stubbornly with strength, no giving in, but some would crumble under a little pressure, and gave up totally. What kind of Christians are we, depends on how we walk with our Heavenly Father.

Let’s read on to see how David, under pressure, called out to God and putting full trust in Him.

Bible Passage: Psalms 140 to 142

Psalms 140 and 142 have similar messages in times of difficulties, and they are: 1) God will surely hear our prayers, 2) God knows our everything, 3) God feels for us, and 4) God is our portion.

God Will Surely Open A Way

It is really not easy to have perfect understandings within members of a family, or even between spouses, and that is why compromising is very much needed to maintain a happy family or a marriage.

Quarrels and fights within a family are inevitable sometimes, usually due to differences in mentality, likes and dislikes, etc. Therefore it is needless to say that there are bound to be frictions in the society outside the families.

There are people, whether intentionally or unintentionally, who are being made used of, being bullied, or even being ostracized by others for being timid or too kind, i.e. gullible. That is why sometimes we see in the newspapers that there are cases where these victims committed suicide, some retaliated and caused injuries or even death to their “oppressors”.

As Christians, what will our reactions be if we’re being taken advantage of, bullied or being ostracized? Do we fight back? According to the standards of the Bible, we are being reminded by our Lord Jesus,

To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also.

And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your

tunic either.”

Luke. 6:29

“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do

good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and

persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He

makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the

just and on the unjust.”

Mat 5:44 – 45

Indeed we have to leave vengeance for the Lord, for it is His right. So what about the words of David in his psalms that he seemed to be cursing his enemies? To me, I read them as prophecies regarding those who do evil and afflict the people of God, which God would bring upon them their due punishments.

So when challenges come our way, when people make things difficult for us, or may even want to harm us, always trust in the Lord and pray for God’s mercy and guidance, and He will protect us and He will surely open a way for us according to His time.

This reminds me of what a church brother once told me, “We belong to Jesus, and He has the responsibility to look after our wellbeing, so we need not be afraid.”

Be Teachable And Accept Chastisement

I believe all of us have heard “If you can’t win them, join them”. This is a worldly exclamation to give in to fate, for one cannot go against the tide but to run along with it.

It is inevitable to be tempted to run along with the tide or trends because everybody seem to be doing the same things and if we don’t follow, we’ll be deemed as weirdoes.

But over here, Psalms 141, David admonishes himself and us to stand firm in righteousness, let righteousness be our guide. In order to do that, we have to be teachable, willing to accept our faults and to change thereof.

Let the righteous strike me;

It shall be a kindness.

And let him rebuke me;

It shall be as excellent oil;

Let my head not refuse it.

Ps. 141:5

Being chastised is not something easy to bear, for there will be shame and pain: Shame in admitting our faults as we may be laughed at by our friends; Pain in hurting the pride in us, which is the thing that lingers in us for as long as we live, and pride may have become a part of us.

Chastisements from God are very important for us, for whoever God loves, God chastises. Through His chastisements, we can see our faults and learn to overcome them. In so doing, we can emerge as pure gold in the eyes of God.

All of us are children of God, and we must be childlike to obey and trust in our Heavenly Father. Just like how we trust in our earthly fathers when we were still a child, innocent and whole-heartedly trusting in our fathers that they would give us the best, and would always pick us up when we fall.

Let’s listen to the following song (one of my all time favorites) and ponder whether are we childlike in the eyes of God, and trusting Him fully?

One Comment

  • PS

    The song is very nice.

    Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;
    Keep watch over the door of my lips (Ps 141:3)

    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thankgiving, let your requests be known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philip 4:6-7)

    David prayed that God set a guard over his mouth.

    Paul reminded us that God set a guard at our heart and mind.

    What does a guard do? Prevent the intrusion of the undesirable and protect the subject.

    God is the guard over our mouth, heart and mind. Be reassured. The security provides by God is most reliable. Breaches are caused internally. Eve put the fruit into her mouth. The serpent didn’t force it her mouth.

    The Holy Spirit is our guarantee. Promised by Jesus Christ.

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