2011 - Through The New Testament,  Reflections

Reflection: 31 Jan to 6 Feb 2011

Reflection 5 Feb 2011

It’s pretty hard to keep up with the daily Bible Reading during the ongoing Chinese New Year holidays isn’t it?  But I do hope the break in your reading rhythm will not be a permanent break and you will soon catch up with your reading and maybe even re-start what you started in the beginning of 2011.

Last night before service started, I took the opportunity to read yesterday’s chapter.  And as I was reading, I was reflecting on the difference in circumstance between the Church during the Apostolic days and our Church today.

Then and Now

In Acts up to now, after the euphoria of the first few chapters, the Church now seems to be facing with great pressure and persecution because of their belief in Jesus.  And despite the best attempts of the Sanhedrin, the priests, scribes and other zealous supporters, the Christians were even more bold in proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.  Instead of stopping them, persecutions seem to drive them even further in the preaching the Good News.

In fact, in Acts 11:19, it states that “… those who were scattered after the persecution that arose over Stephen …”  Persecution became the catalyst for the next step in fulfilling Christ’s commission to take Gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

What about today?

The new year ushers in a new wave of optimism.

The economy is booming.  We are expecting the government to announce budget goodies.  The recession is now but a faded memory.  Although some parts of the world are facing with natural calamities and political unrest, here in Singapore, we have relative calm and peace.  And all this we are most grateful and thankful to God for.

But this nagging thought keeps coming to mind…

Why is it that we are NOT trying to do more for God in these good times?

It seems that we take all these blessings for granted and even complain that we do not have the time, the energy and the abilities to do His work.

Last night, Bro Kong gave an excellent reminder on the need to “Work for God” – and that regardless of our age and abilities, we can all play our part in the work of the Messiah.  We know all the lessons.  We know what we have to do…

But do we really need the flames of persecution to get started to be serious with God’s work?

Can’t we all start now?  Without waiting for the going to get tough… much tougher than the tough times we think we are experiencing now?

Looking at my ever lengthening “To Do” list for God now, I am quite ashamed that I have not gotten more serious and urgent in doing His Work.  Oh!  I have my ready made excuses… and even legitimate excuses (given my schedules recently).  But when I considered it carefully once again, they are what they are – just plain excuses.

From Monday onwards, we will be reading more about Peter and Paul, especially Paul – who did not allow any excuse, hardship or difficulties stop him from doing God’s will.

I hope and pray that I can be like Paul.  All the more I want to be like Jesus to be able to say…

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” ~ John 4:34.

After all, the fields are already white for harvest and even if we think the time is not yet here… its time to get going (John 4:35).


    • appleofHiseye

      Me too! It can be hard to push myself to do work because I am content in my comfort zone. But there is much work to be done, and if we ask what we can do around church? Or if we take a look around, we might see someone who needs help or something that needs to be done (even cleaning is an important work, which is forgotten at the end of the day…). It might even be praying for someone or taking care of the younger ones or the elderly…the smallest thing won’t go unseen by our Father in heaven.

    • PS

      Hi depress one, small step counts 😀 by reading the bible blog and submitting your comment, u r already contributing to God’s work of ministry the word. Allow me to put it in an extremely nice way, u r helping in 50% of the work of the apostles. The balance of the 50% of “on the knees”, i m sure u do clock them up during the pre-service prayers.

  • biblereadingcompanion

    We all need a “push” now and then to do God’s work. Actually, we all need something to motivate us to do any work at all, isn’t it?

    Well… at least, I do… as by nature, I think my wife would agree, I am lazy. 🙂

    I read somewhere about this before and although I hate to reduce this down to a mathematical equation, it does give some food for thought ….

    Purpose + Power + Promise = Motivation


    To be properly motivated, we must have the right purpose – love for God with our whole heart, soul, mind and might and neigbour as ourselves… preach the gospel… pastor the flock…

    The general will of Jesus is clear. Paul encourages us further in Ephesians 2:10…

    “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

    God has prepared for us our works to do. And we just have to go and do them…

    But we cannot do these works without….


    We are all reading Acts now and it is evident where the Power comes from…

    “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” ~ Acts 1:8

    Power through Prayers in the Holy Spirit. Power from the Word of God.

    This example was clearly seen in the apostles in Acts. Work without praying and the ministry of the Word was useless as it is man’s might and not God’s might.


    A lot of times we lack motivation because we do not see any hope or future in what we are doing.

    Maybe we have tried working for God before but our efforts seemed to be unsuccessful, not appreciated, and sometimes even rejected.

    But what I know is this…

    If we hold on to the promises of Jesus and do His work in His will, our labours in the Lord will NEVER be in vain (1 Cor 15:58). This is His promise to us…

    Jesus promises us that if we are faithful and endure to the end, a righteous crown… a crown of glory awaits us….

    I think I am doing a lousy job in trying to express what I want to say to you… depress one.

    But don’t take it from me… take it from the apostles and the believers you are reading now in Acts…

    They were all thoroughly motivated for the Lord… because they knew clearly what Jesus wanted them to do (Purpose), they constantly prayed, studied the Scriptures and broke bread (Power). And they were able to endure all persecutions, tribulations and still go around joyfully spreading the Gospel because they believed in the Promises of the Lord that He will indeed come again and reward us.

    May these things also be enough for us to motivate us to do more for the Lord.

    As appleofHiseye said… we can all start with the small things.

    Finally, there is no point just talking about things and thinking about it… we have to take action to experience God’s working in our lives. The disciples did. So can we today.

    Will be keeping you and everyone else in prayers over this. And please pray for me as well.

    May God lead and guide us.

  • PS

    i attended the funeral service of a close relative during the week. She was a catholic. During the various rituals, the verse about the futility of the mind (Eph 4:17-18) kept flashing in my mind.

    Sigh, i must really really cherish the grace of being in the true church. May i be kept in the grace of salvation and be able to ask Lord Jesus to receive my spirit at the point of death (Acts 7:59)

    Her sudden departure shocked and greatly saddened everyone in the family.

    Sigh, i must really really share the gospel of life before darkness comes upon me or those whom God arranges to cross my path in life.

    “Why did you not share the gospel with XXX.”
    ” “(No answer, no excuse)

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